March on US Embassy Today
THURS, 16 January - Stop killing the people of Iraq! all
day peace presence at the US embassy to mark the
anniversary of the start of the Gulf War and twelve years
of ongoing bombing and strafing attacks, and vicious
economic sanctions which have resulted in the deaths of
more than one and a half million people.
* 7-30am to 9am - protest along the Murphy Street side of the embassy as the morning commuters pass by; bring a banner, noise makers, and long strips of crimson or red ribbons or streamers
* 9am to 6-30pm - organise your own peaceful protest along the Murphy Street side of the embassy
* 5pm to 6pm - weekly vigil for peace at the Cenotaph, corner Bowen St and Lambton Quay
* 6pm - march to the US embassy
* 6-30pm - rally with speakers in Fitzherbert Tce.
- From 7-30am to 6-30pm Fitzherbert Tce is set aside as a quiet zone for those who wish to engage in silent or prayerful vigil; there will be an information table all day with petition forms and leaflets at the corner of Fitzherbert Tce and Murphy Street. All welcome to come to the above events and to call by at any time during the day. For more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 812 or email.