Activists say many arrests at US embassy avoidable
Activists say many arrests at US embassy avoidable
Activists say police over reaction led to more than 20 people being arrested at an anti-war demonstration at the United States Embassy in Wellington Sunday.
“Police demonstrated a complete inability to deal with symbolic, non-violent protest in a professional manner,” said Sam Buchanan of the Weapons Inspection Arrestees Legal Support Group, an ad hoc group set up to provide legal and financial help to those arrested at the demonstration.
“Wrestling people to the ground before dragging them away was unnecessary and provocative. The police showed an astonishing ability to turn a quite light-hearted protest into a confrontation.”
“Had the police acted in a more restrained manner many of these arrests could have been avoided,” Mr Buchanan said.
Peace activists were making a theatrical “inspection” of the US embassy, saying they wanted to ensure the US was not keeping any of its weapons of mass destruction on the premises. A small group of activists were arrested when they moved towards the embassy fence after claiming they need to enter the compound to check for weapons.
About 150 people took part in the