Opposing Stronger Dog Controls is Barking Mad, ARF
Opposing Stronger Dog Controls is Barking Mad,
"Belladonna Aoukatere-Ropata is being chased through the corridors of Parliament by a horde of demented lunatic canines, and it has to stop. Moreover, the Top Dog of ARF is quaking at the possibility of legislation because he wants to be free to run amok, savaging public sector organisations and people on benefits. I ask you, why does Wellington have such stringent inner-city dog control laws, and why does Auckland seem to be pestered by out of control mad dogs?" Tripitaka Adelie-Penguin said today, relieved that her party had finally put all accusations about corn chips, ch*c*l*t* addiction and errant SM nuns behind it.
"The Corrective Party supports strong limits on mad
dogs. The Association of Rottweilers and Fangbearers should
come out of the kennel and admit that its membership is of
the crazed canine persuasion, and should submit to muzzling.
Weren't the eighties enough for most people??" Ms.
Adelie-Penguin said that she would continue to speak out
against "certain barking mad" tendencies in New Zealand
society and had given Ms. Aoukatere-Ropata a list of dog
control agencies if she had further probbos with Mad
Auckland Prebbos.