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More! Say No to War, 13 -21 February

More! Say No to War, 13 -21 February

Updated 13 February 2003

Below are the listings for events around the country during the International Week of Action Against War, including the International Day of Action on 15 February. They are also available on-line at That page will be updated later today, and tomorrow if necessary.

* Reminder: the final deadline for signatures on the No NZ support for the 'war on terrorism' national petition is 18 February. They will be presented to parliament during the rally on Wednesday 19 February (see listing below), so please fast post any you collect at your International Day of Action event to PMA, PO Box 9314, Wellington to reach us by 18 February at the latest for counting.

* Not in Our Name Aotearoa/New Zealand forms are available on-line at


~ SAT, 15 February - International Day of Action against the war on Iraq, march up Queen Street from QEII Square at 12 noon. Organised by Global Peace and Justice Auckland, for more info contact John Minto email or Mike Treen email

~ SUN, 16 February - Silent Peace Vigil, every Sunday from 9-15am to 9-45am, outside the Quaker Meeting House, 115 Mt Eden Rd. All welcome, for more info tel Friends Centre (09) 630 6834.

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~ SUN, 16 February - Peace in the Park - a day of music, peace and politics for all - families, frolickers, flower children, face painters, fairies, would-be foreign policy advisors and those interested in sending out a clear message to New Zealand and overseas governments 'NO Blood for Oil - Peace, Not War in Iraq'. Performers include: Salon Kingsadore, Tamil Cultural Group, Selwyn College Band, African Drummers, Brenda Lydiard and Mark Laurent, One Voice Choir, Phil Toms, Taos, The Weather, Caitlin Smith, Golden Horse, Shona Laing and Karen Hunter, Don McGlashan and more! With MCs Michele A'Court and Caitlin Smith; from 1pm to 7pm at Potters Park, corner Dominion and Balmoral Road, Balmoral. Organised by Global Peace and Justice Auckland, for more info contact John Minto email or Mike Treen email


~ SAT, 15 February - Gathering For Peace, 12 noon in Garden Place. For more info and to help with organising, contact Hamilton for Peace, tel Dan at (07) 856 9139 or email


~ SAT, 15 February - Rally and March - meet at 11am in City Focus, Tutanekai Street, for rally with speakers; 12 noon, march to Labour MP Steve Chadwick offices, Hinemoa Street. Organised by Rotorua Antiwar Movement tel (07) 349 5069 or 349 6533 or email


~ SAT, 15 February - silent vigil for peace, 9-15am to 9-45am, outside St James Church. For more info contact tel (07) 868 9914, email

~ SAT, 15 February - join the silent vigil, then march up Pollen St to the War Memorial Hall, Mary Street; where there will be car-share available to travel to Auckland for the rally there. For more info contact Harry tel (07) 868 6641.

~ SAT, 22 February - silent vigil for peace, 9-15am to 9-45am, outside St James Church. For more info contact tel (07) 868 9914, email


~ SAT, 15 February - Walk for Peace - assemble at 10-45am opposite the De Luxe Theatre, Church St, for a 'Walk for Peace' through the shopping centre, returning for a rally outside the Plunket Rooms. For more info contact Lynne Dempsey, Eastern Bay People for Peace, tel (07) 315 4646 or email


~ SAT, 15 February - Walk For Peace - assemble 12-30pm near the Skateboard Bowl, for 'Walk For Peace' along the Strand, ending at the Information Centre for a rally. For more info contact Lynne Dempsey, Eastern Bay People for Peace, tel (07) 315 4646 or email


~ SAT, 15 February - Turanga/Gisborne March for Peace, gather at 11am, corner of Disraeli St and Gladstone Rd, walk to Wi Pere memorial. For more information contact Catherine Delahunty tel (06) 868 1905 or email

~ MON, 17 February - Keith Locke, Green MP, speaks about peace and Iraq, 7-30pm at the Holy Trinity Church Hall. For more information contact Catherine Delahunty tel (06) 868 1905 or email


~ SAT, 15 February - Peace in the Park, with music, painting, dancing, and making Peace Cranes, and more; from 11am - Concert on the new stage in the Hastings Central City area, featuring local performers; from 1pm - Peace in the Park, Civic Square (by the library), bring a picnic, fun activities for young and old! For more info or to contribute energy to this event contact Peace Movement Hawkes Bay, Liz tel (06) 875 1234 or email


~ MON, 17 February - Peace for Iraq, Tararua, next action group meeting, 7pm, Patchworks, 3 Gordon Street. For more info contact Tanya (06) 374 7267.


~ SAT, 15 February - vigil in support of the International Day of Action, 10-30am, gather in Majestic Square. For more info contact Peter Watson, tel (06) 345 0634 or email


~ THURS, 13 February - Art for Peace Workshop - a workshop on banners and balloons, from 9-30am to 11-30am (before the peace march, see listing below), at Te Whare Akonga / Open Leaning Centre. For more info contact Manawatu Peace Collective, tel (06) 357 7882 or email

~ THURS, 13 February - Peace March in solidarity with the international protest against the greatly escalating the 12 year war on Iraq, assemble at 11-45am on the Railway land, Pitt St; 12 noon march to and around the Square to Te Marae o Hine; 12-30pm soapbox and songs. All welcome to contribute / speak. For more info contact Manawatu Peace Collective, tel (06) 357 7882 or email

~ SAT, 22 February - Family World Peace Picnic, 12 noon to 6pm in the Square, please bring a plate of food to share. Organised by Manawatu Peace Collective and Manawatu Musicians for Peace, for more info or to help with organising the picnic, contact Ross (06) 359 4681 or Fiona (06) 357 5317.


~ THURS, 13 February - weekly vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ SAT, 15 February - March and Rally for Peace in the Middle East - gather 12 noon at Glover Park (Ghuznee Street, between Cuba Street and Cumberland Place), free flowers and face painting; march through Cuba Mall, Manners Street, Willis Street, Lambton Quay, to Midland Park and rally with speakers: Lucy, youth activist; Keith Locke, Green MP; Emad Jabbar, esteemed Iraqi poet; and Edwina Hughes, Peace Movement Aotearoa; plus music and open mike. Part of the International Day of Action. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ WEDS, 19 February - No NZ support for war, rally at parliament to tell the NZ government directly that they must give no support to the new war on the people of Iraq; with speakers Rev Dr Margaret Mayman, St Andrews on the Terrace; Dr Ramon Das, Lecturer in Morality and International Relations, Victoria University; and Grace Millar, peace activist; music and the presentation of the final batch of signatures in the national 'No NZ support for the 'war on terrorism'' petition to Keith Locke, Green Party Foreign Affairs spokesperson; gather in parliament grounds at 12-30pm. For more information contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129, email

~ THURS, 20 February - weekly vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129 or email


~ WEDS, 19 February - Toot For Peace, every Wednesday from 4-30pm to 5-30pm, in front of Happy Apple Backpackers (east edge of town). Bring a sign and a friend, for more info contact Alison tel (03) 528 8864.


~ FRI, 14 February - 'NO to War - weekly Toot for Peace Action, 5pm to 6pm on the median strip on Haven Road between Auckland Point School and Trafalgar Centre, Nelson - bring a sign and a friend. For more info contact email

~ SAT, 15 February - Peace March and Rally, gather at 11am in Wakatu Square (Trafalgar Street near the Post Office), march down Trafalgar Street and end up at the Cathedral steps where there will be a rally and signing of petitions. Please join us; bring drums, signs and a friend. Organised by Nelson Peace Group, for more info contact Bob Jones tel (03) 547 7427 or email

~ FRI, 21 February - 'NO to War - weekly Toot for Peace Action, 5pm to 6pm on the median strip on Haven Road between Auckland Point School and Trafalgar Centre, Nelson - bring a sign and a friend. For more info contact email


~ SAT, 15 February - Peace Walk and Demonstration - meet at 10am in the Information Centre car park with placards etc, walk down Commercial St to Village Green, where there will be a PA system for speeches, music, anything you like, and circle dancing. Organised by Golden Bay Peace Group and Golden Bay Quakers, for more info contact tel (03) 525 9576 or email


~ SAT, 15 February - Peace Rally and gathering with placards, 11am at Post Office corner (Palmerston Street). For more info contact Pete Lusk tel (03) 789 5334, email


~ SAT, 15 February - inaugural meeting of West Coast Peace Group - suggested aims of the Peace Group are to promote discussion on issues affecting peace; to educate the wider community on these issues; to link with other peace groups in New Zealand and internationally; to witness to changes in society necessary for a peaceful future by holding public activities in the local region, and to discuss the current situation in the Middle East. Everyone is welcome, no matter what their faith or belief system. Meet at 2pm, DP:One Cafe, 108 Mawhera Quay. Part of the International Day of Action. For more info please contact Paul Maunder tel (03) 732 4010 or email or Rev Alan Cummins tel (03) 768 7667.


~ FRI, 14 February - Christchurch Catholic Worker invite you to join their weekly vigil at the US Air Force base at Harewood, flights from the base serve the vast US military/intelligence bases at Pine Gap and Nurrungar. Meet at 5pm, at the Airport Roundabout (where the totem pole is). For more info contact Christchurch Catholic Worker email

~ SAT, 15 February - Celebrate the International Day of Anti-War Action at the Peace Picnic - with entertainment including The Cooltones, Oakley Grenell, Anne Low, DJs, drumming, poetry, juggling, theatrics, stalls and speakers - activities for all ages! Please bring a white flower with you. From 1pm, at Victoria Square. For more info contact Peace Action Network tel (03) 981 2825.

~ FRI, 21 February - Christchurch Catholic Worker invite you to join their weekly vigil at the US Air Force base at Harewood, flights from the base serve the vast US military/intelligence bases at Pine Gap and Nurrungar. Meet at 5pm, at the Airport Roundabout (where the totem pole is). For more info contact Christchurch Catholic Worker email


~ THURS, 13 February - Peace On the Piazza - a gathering to send a message to NZ and overseas governments that the people of South Canterbury wish to give peace a chance; meet at 5-30pm on the Piazza, opposite Hydro Grand hotel, or if wet, Bay Hall. Music by Vicki and Friends, messages of peace, lighting of peace candles, release of peace doves; and for those wishing to stay, there will be dances of universal peace, with Shafia Stevens. For more info contact Nance Hammond, tel (03) 684 4608 or email


~ SAT, 15 February - March and Rally to Oppose War in Iraq, unite with the International Day of Action, and remember the victims of the 1991 bombing of the Amariyah shelter by the US; meet at 11-45am at the Museum for the march, or from 12-30pm in the Octagon, with picnics and families. For more info contact Fiona Bowker email ________________________________________________

Thanks to Bronwen (Greens) for help with Thames and Westport listings. If you would like your event included in these listings, please send the details (including contact details for at least one of the people organising it) to Please put 'for what's on' in the subject heading of your message. ________________________________________

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