There Is No Plan
There Is No Plan
Mr Maharey's newly announced regime for sole parents will increase dependency, said Lindsay Mitchell, petitioning for a Parliamentary review of the DPB.
"WINZ case managers will be awash with 110,000 new PDE plans (Personal Development and Employment Plans) but where is the plan to reduce dependency?" she asked.
"The state is making 110,000 plans for those who failed to make their own. Those who failed to complete their education, who failed to make a success of their marriage or de facto partnership, or who failed to use contraception."
"Somehow, these state plans are expected to succeed where personal plans failed. Lives are expected to be turned around on the basis of an annual interview. The idea beggars belief."
"Those 'highly motivated' beneficiaries Mr Maharey describes will help themselves and the rest will resist. Submissions made to the Social Services Select Committee clearly demonstrated that most on the DPB resent interference from case managers. They want what they describe as 'their' money with no strings attached."
"Can Mr Maharey answer a simple question: Are my children my responsibility? If the answer is 'yes' and I don't have a working partner then I need a job to provide for them. If there is absolutely no work for me then I go on the unemployment benefit until there is."
"That is the only plan we need. Get rid of the DPB and get rid of the conditions that are holding New Zealand businesses back. Then the work will come."
Lindsay Mitchell
Petitioner for a Parliamentary review of the DPB
ph/fx 04 562 7944