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National - what's on where listings - 14 March

Updated 14 March 2003

National - what's on where listings

* Emergency response details * with the impending new war against the people of Iraq, the list of emergency response vigil details (where people will be gathering the day the invasion starts) will be included in each 'what's on where' e-listing. If you wish to have the emergency response vigil details for your city or town included, please email them to PMA email with the subject heading 'emergency response vigil details'. If you require more information about the emergency response vigils, please contact PMA and we will send you a message which gives some background information about their purpose, and how you can set them up in your area. See local listings for Auckland, Whanganui, Wellington, Takaka, Westport, Greymouth, Christchurch, Timaru and Dunedin below.


~ Current - Move On's Emergency On-line Petition to the UN Security Council was signed by more than one million people in a week. A printed copy of all the names was presented at a news conference in New York on 10 March, then a copy was delivered to the UN Mission of each Security Council country. Move On will continue to deliver updates to the Security Council, so if you have friends or colleagues who haven't signed, please ask them to go to and sign on now, and please forward on this url through your e-lists.

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~ Ongoing - International Days of Action Against War - there are currently no specific International Days of Action scheduled except for the new Global Candle Lit Vigils for Peace on 16 March, see listing below, but there are various overseas Days of Action Against War coming up: * 15 March - A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition and other organisations are calling for a US National Emergency Convergence on the White House (see Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch and Dunedin local listings below for 15 March events); * 15 and 16 March: Victorian Peace Network are calling for a 'Think globally, act locally' weekend of local actions against the war in Australia; * 17 to 23 March - ARROW and other British groups are calling for a National Week of Nonviolent Action to Stop the War, starting with a National Day of Die-ins on the 17th, more info on this will be available at by the end of this week; * 23 March: Victorian Peace Network are calling a No War Convergence on Canberra; * 5 and 6 April - Reclaim the Bases are calling for a weekend of protest, nonviolent action and civil disobedience at military bases throughout Britain and War Resisters International have extended this to a call for non-violent action at military bases around the world.

~ SUN, 16 March - Global Candle Lit Vigils for Peace - at 7pm, all over the world there will be candle lit vigils for peace, beginning here in Aotearoa / New Zealand. and the Win Without War coalition, together with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and many faith-based organisations, put out a call for this event earlier this week, and there are now 1,605 vigils scheduled in 77 countries. Please go to the web site for the details of the vigils already planned in Aotearoa / New Zealand, and to add new vigil details for other towns and cities. Vigil details received at PMA by this morning are included in the local listings below. If you can't make it to a vigil, you can still be part of the global action - put a candle, or lamp, or anything that shines in your window from 7pm on Sunday evening.

~ FRI, 21 March - International Day for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination - increasing numbers of New Zealanders have celebrated it over the past five years, first as Race Unity Day and this year as Race Relations Day. The HRC is intending to make Race Relations Day 2003 a day of positive celebration of the contribution of the many different peoples who together make up New Zealand in the 21st century. To order Race Relations Day promotional material or to let us know about your event, please contact Karolin Potter tel (03) 353 0957 email or Julie Watson tel (09) 306 2651 email, or Richard Ngatai tel (04) 471 6747 email Events will be listed at

~ Ongoing - Medical supplies for Iraq - Quaker Peace and Service Aotearoa/NZ are once more raising money to buy medical supplies for Iraq. These will be used to support the US-based NGO, LIFE for Relief and Development, mainly in their cancer relief projects, and the Rome-based NGO, Bridge to Baghdad's Sinbad Primary Health Care Clinic in Basra. Cheques can be made out to Quaker Peace and Service and sent to QPS, 7 Moncrieff St., Wellington; credit card donations can be made by email - for more info about that, or about 'Medical supplies for Iraq', please contact Tony Maturin or Sandra Jones tel (04) 389-4715 or email

~ Ongoing - Cities for Peace Campaign - Cities for Peace is a rapidly growing coalition of local elected officials and concerned citizens overseas working to get their City Councils and other civic bodies to pass resolutions against a war on Iraq. For more info check out the Cities for Peace web site at Here in Aotearoa, Waitakere City Council passed two resolutions on 26 February: 1) That this Council strongly supports the New Zealand Government's stance and urges the United States of America to pursue diplomatic measures in its attempts to ensure that Iraq does not possess weapons of mass destruction; 2) That this Council urges the members of the United Nations Security Council to support the continuation of the current arms inspection process being conducted in Iraq.

*** NATIONAL ***

~ MON, 17 March - 24 Hour Fast for Peace - Peace Action Wellington is calling all concerned people to fast for peace starting at 7-30pm on Monday until 7-30pm Tuesday, and to donate the money which would have been spent on food to Medical Supplies for Iraq (for the Sinbad Primary Health Care Clinic in Basra, Iraq). For more details see Wellington local listings below.

~ SAT, 22 March - National Day of Action Against War - actions are currently being planned by Global Peace and Justice Auckland, Peace Action Wellington, West Coast Peace Group, and Peace Action Network Otautahi are also considering doing something, see local listings below for confirmed details. Plus see the Families for NonViolence March and Picnic listing below.

~ SAT, 22 March - Families for NonViolence March and Picnic, make a stand for safer homes, communities and a safer world for everyone. For details of a march near you, check out or contact tel (09) 810 9066 email

~ Ongoing - Not in Our Name Aotearoa / New Zealand, at

~ Ongoing - Buy USA? No Way! Spend for Peace Boycott at

~ Ongoing - help is needed to meet the legal costs of the 23 people arrested at the 2 February New Zealand Citizen Weapon Inspection Team action at the US embassy, and the five arrested at the Crash the Party! protest about John Howard's visit at parliament on 10 March. If you can help with either legal fund, please send your cheque made payable to 'Wellington Peace and Environment Trust', with a note saying which group you wish your donation to go towards (or either if you don't mind which) and send to Activist Legal Fund, PO Box 6387, Wellington. Please leave a message for Sam tel (04) 385 6728 if you have any questions.

***** LOCAL *****


* Auckland Emergency Response Vigil Details * rally at 5-30pm at the US Consulate, Citibank Building, Customs St East, Central Auckland. For more information contact Global Peace and Justice Auckland, John Minto email or Mike Treen email

~ FRI, 14 March - Ecumenical Service for Peace with Father Terry Dibble, 7pm at St Patrick's Cathedral, 43 Wyndam St, City. For more info contact Anna Hoby-Sharpe tel/fax (09) 378 6192.

~ MON, 17 March - Build communities not prisons! Protest outside Helen Clark's electoral office, 65 Sandringham Rd (meet first at the Mobil garage), Kingsland at 10am. The Ngawha prison site noho (occupation) will reach its 100th day on Tuesday - after decades of Government policy leading to closure of industries, rising unemployment, and the benefit cuts of the '90s leaving struggling communities with resulting rises in crime, the prison is the 'bottom of the cliff' solution offered. On top of this, the site being used is sacred taonga, wahi tapu. Of the 6000 registered historic places in New Zealand only 63 are wahi tapu, less than 10% of the number for churches, chapels and graveyards. Ngawha is a unique geothermal area, with pools whose healing powers have been used for centuries. Already the geothermal plant (recently built) drains this precious and sacred resource, and the prison is being built at the access to one of the springs, not a mile from the public baths. For more info contact Karyn tel 025 417 209 or email

~ MON, 17 March - Human Rights Network (Auckland) meeting, 5-45pm to 7pm, in the Staffroom, Centre for Language and Languages, 2nd floor, A block, Auckland College of Education, Epsom (entrance via Gate 3 at 74 Epsom Avenue - car parks are readily available as staff leave around 5-30pm). For more info or to add items to the agenda, contact Bev Turner tel (09) 418 0700 or email

~ TUES, 18 and WEDS, 19 March - for details of protests around the Commercialising Biotech conference, contact the Auckland GE Free Coalition tel (09) 358 4105 or 025 417 209, email

~ WEDS, 19 March - 'Gambling Away Our Future?' The Community Gambling Issues Conference - a one-day conference on gambling issues, targeting people and groups active in communities around NZ on gambling issues; focussing on issues arising from the new 'Class 4 (pokie and TAB) gambling site policies' that each local authority will be required to introduce in consultation with their communities after the passage of the new Gambling Act, and how to support communities campaigning for responsible gambling site policies; plus how to support key amendments to the Gambling Act to be debated in Parliament in the near future; from 9am to 4-30pm, OMAC Centre, Bairds Rd, Otara Shopping Centre, Manukau City. Free entry, includes lunch, organised by GamblingWatch (NZ Coalition for Gambling Reform, Inc) with support from the Problem Gambling Foundation and the JR McKenzie Trust. For more info contact Dave Macpherson tel 021 477 388 or email

~ SAT, 22 March - Say NO to war march and rally, 12 noon - march from downtown (corner of Queen and Customs Streets) beside QE2 Square, to go to Myers Park off upper Queen St for a rally with speakers and music; part of the National Day of Action Against War. Organised by Global Peace and Justice Auckland, for more info contact John Minto email or Mike Treen email

~ SUN, 23 March - 'Celebrating the life of Oscar Romero', the Archbishop of El Salvador assassinated on 24 March 1980 because of his work against military repression and for the oppressed poor, with Father Bernard Dennehy speaking on 'The Liberation Church of Latin America' at 7pm, and screening of 'Romero' (101 minutes) at 7-30pm, followed by supper. At St Columba's Centre, 40 Vermont Street, Ponsonby; all welcome. Organised by Pax Christi Aotearoa-NZ, for more info contact tel (09) 360 3035 or email

~ MON, 24 March - public meeting with Sue Rhodes, part of the Christian Peacemaker Team in Palestine. Sue describes her work thus: "Here in Hebron our days consist of firstly getting the children safely to school, avoiding the hassle and possible attacks from both Israeli settlers and the Israeli soldiers. There are so many children and so few teachers able to get to the schools that most do a double shift, enabling children to have three lessons each day. Under the curfew, the soldiers try to oppose the teachers and children getting to school. We, in our red baseball hats, try even harder to make sure they do get there. Our motto is 'getting in the way' and this is not only a religious reference, but we do physically put our bodies between people in conflict to reduce the violence. Other things we do throughout the day are looking after people under curfew, standing with people whose homes are under threat of demolition (and this often means sleeping in their homes to be ready for attack during the night), accompanying people to and from hospital, standing alongside people being detained at checkpoints and trying to get them through and generally opposing the humiliation and degradation inflicted by the Israeli army of occupation." Meeting is at 7pm, Friends Meeting House, 113 Mt Eden Rd; for more info tel Friends Centre (09) 630 6834.

~ SUN, 6 April - 40 minutes for Peace, a time to light candles and pray for peace in the world - part of Contextual Liturgies, creative and contemporary feminist liturgies for women and men in response to specific events in our context of Aotearoa / New Zealand; 7pm in the Crypt, St Benedict's Catholic Church, Newton Rd. For more info contact the Women's Resource Centre tel (09) 571 9158 or email

~ MON, 7 April - GPJA forum with special guest Sue Rhodes who has spent the last six months in Hebron, Palestine, as part of the Christian Peacemakers Team; 7-30pm at Trades Hall, 147 Great North Rd, Grey Lynn. For more information contact Global Peace and Justice Auckland, John Minto email or Mike Treen email

~ Every Sunday - Silent Peace Vigil, every Sunday from 9-15am to 9-45am, outside the Quaker Meeting House, 115 Mt Eden Rd. All welcome, for more info tel Friends Centre (09) 630 6834.


~ SUN, 16 March - Candle lit Vigil, 7pm in Victoria Street (opposite the Casino), part of Global Candle Lit Vigils for Peace. Organised by Hamilton Peace Movement, for more info contact email


~ Every Saturday - silent vigil for peace, 9-15am to 9-45am, outside St James Church. For more info contact tel (07) 868 9914, email

~ SUN, 16 March - candlelight vigil for peace, 7pm, outside the Civic Centre (by the old cannon), part of Global Candle Lit Vigils for Peace. For more info contact email


~ Every Wednesday - Peace vigil, a time of silent meditation, from 5pm to 6pm in the Sunken Garden, Marine Parade. Organised by Hawke's Bay Peace Movement, for more info contact Margaret Gwynn, tel (06) 835 2122, email


* Whanganui Emergency Response Vigil Details * gather at 4-30pm in Majestic Square. For more info contact Peter tel (06) 345 0634 or email

~ Every Friday - vigil for peace, 12 noon to 1-30pm, Majestic Square. For more info contact Peter tel (06) 345 0634 or email


~ SUN, 16 March - Candle lit peace vigil - bring friends, family, colleagues, neighbours and candles, and a paper cup to catch the hot wax; most of all, bring a wish for peace; 7pm, Copenhagen Square (by the Windmill). Be part of the rolling wave of candlelight gatherings that will cross the globe, with NZ leading the world. Organised by Peace for Iraq (Tararua), for more info contact Tanya (06) 374 7267.

~ MON, 17 March - Peace for Iraq (Tararua) meeting, with Not in Our Name Pledges, form letters, and information sheets available; 7pm at Patchworks, 3 Gordon Street. All welcome, for more info contact Tanya tel (06) 374 7267.


* Wellington Emergency Response Vigil Details * vigil at 5pm at the Cenotaph. For more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ SAT, 15 March - Not in Our Name and Peace Action Wellington information stalls at the Lesbian and Gay Fair, 9am to 3pm, Newtown School (corner Riddiford and Mein Streets). For more info contact tel (04) 382 8129, or Not in Our Name email Peace Action Wellington email

~ SAT, 15 March - Justice and Peace in the Middle East information stall, 11-30am to 1pm, in Cuba Mall (usually near Trade Aid), look for the banners. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email

SAT, 15 March - The Alternative Routes Festival - come and have a great day out in Te Aro on the route of the nearly-dead 'bypass'! * from 10am in Tonks Ave - hangi, drum circle, live music, open mike for poetry and singers/songwriters, graf art, funky stalls, art exhibitions and holistic space, plus you are welcome to have a garage sale or stall (table hire $5 or bring your own) ; * Kensington Street - punk/alternative stage with bands from noon to 10 pm; * Thistle Hall from midnight - 10 bands including Rainbow Country, Weave, Dirty Republic, James Lee Fu, and Project. A free community festival (small koha for entry to Thistle Hall). Contact Kane Fawcett tel (04) 589 7320 for table hire, stall space booking, to volunteer or if you'd like to perform, or email

~ SUN, 16 March - Candle Lit Vigil for Peace - come along and be part of Global Candle Lit Vigils for Peace, 7pm at the Cenotaph. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ MON, 17 March - 24 Hour Fast for Peace - the war which may be only days away will put the lives of more than 1 million Iraqi children at risk from starvation. Fasting is the mandatory or voluntary abstinence from solid food, drinks, etc over any period of time out of the ordinary, a practice which has its origins in human society dating to the beginning of recorded history. Fasting has been used for political purposes by individuals such as Mahatma Ghandi and imprisoned IRA-member Bobby Sands. More recently, political prisoners in Turkey have used hunger strikes to illustrate the inhumane treatment and conditions they are subject to, including torture. This 24 hour Fast for Peace is to demonstrate empathy with the people of Iraq and raise money for medical supplies. Fasters and an information table will be located at Midland Park (Lambton Quay, between Waring Taylor and Johnston Streets) during the day on Monday and Tuesday, and people will be collecting donations around town. If you would like to support Medical Supplies for Iraq by way of a donation, cheques can be made out to Quaker Peace and Service and sent to QPS, 7 Moncrieff Street, Wellington; credit card donations can be made by email - for more info about that, or about 'Medical Supplies for Iraq', please contact Tony Maturin or Sandra Jones tel (04) 389-4715 or email For more info about the Fast for Peace, contact Valerie tel (04) 383 9315 or email

~ MON, 17 March - Students Against the War in Iraq meeting, includes planning for IGM (see 19 March below), 12 noon, Meeting Room 1, Student Union Building. For more info contact email

~ WEDS, 19 March - Motion that VUWSA oppose the war against the people of Iraq will be moved at the IGM, 12 noon, Student Union Building. For more info contact email

~ THURS, 20 March - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ SAT, 22 March - Stop the War March and Rally - you can't bomb the world to peace! 11am, rally at Civic Square, then march through Wellington via parliament (there at approx 12 noon) to arrive 12-30pm at the US Embassy. Bring banners, signs, costumes, songs, chants, noisemakers, and your family and friends. Come and be part of the National Day of Action Against War. Organised by Peace Action Wellington, for more info contact tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ SAT, 22 March - 'Resource Wars: from the global economy to Iraq', an all-day forum with speakers: Tanja Schutz, Maori and Globalisation; Maxine Gay, Workers' Rights in an Unequal World; Pat Hanley, Population, poverty and politics; Rod Alley, Blood for diamonds - the African situation; Paul Bruce, Latin America - prospects in the 'American Century'; Edward Goldsmith. Can we survive the global economy?; Kate Dewes and Rob Green, New Nuclear Threats and Challenges to New Zealand's Nuclear-Free Policy; Murray Horton, Big Brother's Big Ears -New Zealand's role in the American war machine; Emad, poetry from Iraq; Des Brough, Impacts of conventional weapons and misuse of resources; Omar Khamoun, Impacts of the war on terrorism on the people of the Middle East. $10 / $5 (includes morning and afternoon tea provided), lunch will be available at an additional cost. From 9am to 4-30pm, Lecture theatre 1, Law School (Old Government Building), 15 Lambton Quay. Organised by Pacific Institute of Resource Management, for more info contact tel (04) 939 4553 or email

~ WEDS, 26 March - 'The United Nations: our hope for the future', a discussion forum with Dr Ramesh Thakur, Vice-Rector UN University (Tokyo) and principal writer of Kofi Annan's 2002 Report on UN Reform, speaking on 'The Paradox of Wanting Peace, Waging War', other speakers (to be confirmed) will address New Zealand's official relationship with UN Agencies, and will discuss multilateral aid, disarmament and international law; includes a panel discussion on the role of civil society in UN Reform and a panel of former New Zealand ambassadors to the UN discussing experiences with the Security Council; and in-depth discussion groups on the main topics. From 9am to 5pm, Conference Room, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 195 Lambton Quay. $25 for UNANZ members, $40 for non-members (includes Forum pack, lunch and refreshments). Organised by United Nations Association of NZ (Inc) in association with the Wellington Branch of NZIIA; registrations and expressions of interest to UNANZ Forum, PO Box 11-676, Wellington, tel (04) 473 0441 or email

~ THURS, 27 March - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ SAT, 29 March - Justice and Peace in the Middle East information stall, 11-30am to 1pm every Saturday in Cuba Mall (usually near Trade Aid), look for the banners. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ Every Weekday - St Andrew's on The Terrace is offering a quiet space for anyone to participate in offering ecumenical peace vigil. Everyone is invited to share in a quiet meditative time, offering prayers for peace before going to work; from 8am to 8-30am, Monday - Friday. For more info contact email

~ Every Saturday - 'Behind the News' on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 12-30pm, presented by Don Franks, Victoria Quade and Jim Delahunty. If you have something you'd like them to cover, or a comment on the programme, please contact Jim Delahunty tel (04)938 6943.

~ Every Sunday - Te Aro Heritage guided walks, courtesy of Campaign for a Better City, take place each Sunday for the foreseeable future. Meet at 1pm at the junction of Cuba Street and Tonks Avenue, opposite Arthur Street; entry by koha. Contact Karen MacIntyre tel (04) 973 5355 for more information or to volunteer your time.

~ Every Sunday, 'Peace Report' on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 11-45am, brought to you by the Peace Council, funded by PADET. If you or your group wish to make a free programme to be broadcast in this slot, please contact Des Brough tel/fax (04) 388 3173.


~ Every Wednesday - Toot For Peace, from 4-30pm to 5-30pm, in front of Happy Apple Backpackers (east edge of town). Bring a sign and a friend, for more info contact Alison tel (03) 528 8864.


~ SAT, 15 March - Peace March, 11am at Wakatu Square. Organised by Nelson Peace Group and Nelson Peace Action, for more info contact Anne email

~ SAT, 15 March - Musicians for Peace - a concert featuring 10 great Nelson singer/songwriters: Mike Lipscombe, Steev Swan, Aly Cook, Chrissie Small, Clayton Taylor, Katy Holland, Cheryl Grice-Watterson, Anna Heinz and Sue Thorby. Special guests (making statements for peace): Jane Evans, Pete Rainey, Lady Glen Rowling, Greg Shaw, Mike Ward, Leslie Hamilton, Harideva, Teresa O'Connor and Mark Raffills. Starts 8pm at the Nelson School of Music; tickets $10 / unwaged $8 (pre-booked) or $15 (door sales), tel (03) 548 9477. Organised by Lipscombe Swan and Peace Action Nelson, for more info contact Mike email or Anne email

~ Every Friday - Peace Talk on Fresh FM (99.4), at approx 7-20am with Matt Lawry and guest. For more info contact email

~ Every Friday - 'NO to War - Toot for Peace Action, 5pm to 6pm on the median strip on Haven Road between Auckland Point School and Trafalgar Centre, Nelson - bring a sign and a friend. For more info contact email


~ SAT, 22 March - Riverside Peace Festival - family day, music (Minuit, Tommy, Rapata, Kiwijam, Static, Sue Thorby, Konkoba, Rana Aston, Wakord and more) and korero, workshops, and kids zone; food stalls available, or bring a picnic. Entry $10 / $5, no alcohol, dogs or glass; from 12 noon to 9pm, at the Riverside Community, Lower Moutere (Not far from Motueka on the inland route to Nelson). For more info contact tel (03) 526 7033 x30 or email


* Takaka emergency response vigil details * silent vigil from 5pm at the Village Green from 5pm onwards. Wear a black armband and/or bring a candle to light if you wish. Organised by Golden Bay Peace Group and Golden Bay Quakers, for more information contact tel (03) 525 9576 or email

~ Every Thursday - Peace vigil and handing out of 'Not in Our Name' pledges, from 4-30pm to 6pm at Village Green, bring placards. Organised by Golden Bay Peace Group and Golden Bay Quakers, for more information contact tel (03) 525 9576 or email


* Westport emergency response vigil details * meet at 5pm, Post Office corner. For more info contact Pete Lusk tel (03) 789 5334.


* Greymouth emergency response vigil details * vigil at 5pm at the fountain in front of the District Council Building. For more info contact Paul tel (03) 732 4010 or email


* Christchurch emergency response vigil details * vigil at 5-30pm in Cathedral Square. For more info contact tel (03) 981 2825 or email

~ SAT, 15 March - No war on Iraq - No NZ involvement - peace march and rally, 2pm assemble outside the Museum and march down Worcester Street and through Cashel Mall to Cathedral Square. Organised by Peace Action Network Otautahi, for more info contact tel (03) 981 2825 or email

~ SUN, 16 March - Peace Vigil - bring your own candle in paper cup to avoid wind and burns; a lighter, or lantern. Come and join the worldwide vigil for peace; 7pm in Hagley Park (by Armagh St Bridge). At 7pm gatherers will hold a 10 minute silence to express peace; part of Global Candle Lit Vigils for Peace.

~ MON, 17, 24 and 31 March - The 'War on Terrorism' Lenten Series - Why does the 'War on Terrorism' seem to be un-winnable? What is 'terrorism' anyway? Is a' terrorist' merely a bearded man with a bomb strapped to his back? Where does the 'war on terrorism' need to be fought? Is 'terror' actually much closer to home? Do our economic, political and cultural systems disguise a kind of terror? with guest speakers: Walt Davis, formerly Professor of the Sociology of Religion and Director of Advanced Pastoral Studies, San Francisco Theological Seminary; Moana Cole, member of the Catholic Worker and Ploughshares movements, and Masters in Law student; Stephanie McIntyre, Social Justice Commissioner for the Anglican Church, Trustee of the Problem Gambling Foundation and Chair of the Coalition for Gambling Reform; and Rodney Routledge, Team Leader Family and Community Division of Anglican Care, Presbyterian Minister. Each Monday at 8pm, preceded by 6-45pm Eucharist, soup and rolls, at St Luke's in the City (Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia), corner Manchester and Kilmore Streets. For more info contact David Moore tel (03) 366 2253 email

~ WEDS, 19 March - 'The problems, helpseeking and health of people attending a Foodbank' , with Murray Cameron, researcher in mental health and psychiatric medicine, and Co-ordinating Consumer (Patient) Advisor to Mental Health Services, Canterbury District Health Board, presenting some very recent research; from 11am to 12 noon, at the WEA, 59 Gloucester Street, $3-50 entry.

~ FRI, 21 March - Public Peace Forum, with speakers Moana Cole, Catholic workers; Ola Karnel of the Muslim community; Dr Peter Low, Lecturer Peace Studies, University of Canterbury; and Ian Godon, Soka Gakkai NZ, 7-30pm to 9pm at 390 Montreal Street, Free entry, includes supper, for more info contact Soka Gakkai NZ tel (03) 377 4266.

~ SUN, 23 March - 'Gender issues in religion', come and hear speakers from the Buddhist, Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith traditions, 3pm to 5pm, Waimairi Community Centre, 166 Waimairi Rd (near Maidstone Rd). Sponsored by the Interfaith Coalition for Understanding, for further information contact John Latham tel (03) 355 6654 or email

~ SAT, 5 April - Future Faith: A symposium for imaginative explorers - to explore the social and political context of faith today, analyse the changing nature of institutional church, and seek theological thinking around faith relevant to contemporary society; with speakers David Thorns, Susan Jones and Kevin Ward; and facilitation by Rodney Routledge, Jenny Dawson and Graeme Nicholas. From 9am to 3-30pm, at St Mary's Church, Merivale. Please register by 23 March - $25 / $15 (includes lunch). Organised by College House Institute of Theology, tel (03) 355 9145, fax (03) 355 6140 or email

Every day - people of faith and no faith are invited to join us for a half hour prayer service for peace, with prayers from Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities from around the world; 12 noon at St Marks Methodist Church in Somerfield (corner Barrington and Somerfield Streets). For more info contact tel (03) 332 5202 or email

~ Every Friday - Christchurch Catholic Worker invite you to join their vigil at the US Air Force base at Harewood, flights from the base serve the vast US military/intelligence bases at Pine Gap and Nurrungar. Meet at 5pm, at the Airport Roundabout (where the totem pole is). For more info contact Christchurch Catholic Worker email

~ Every Saturday - Peace vigil, 12-30pm to 1pm at the Chalice in the Square. For more info contact email or tel (03) 981 2825.


* Timaru Emergency Response Vigil Details * all-night vigil from 5-30pm at St Mary's Church. For more information contact Nancy Hammond tel (03) 684 4608 or email

~ SUN, 16 March - candlelight vigil, short prayers, 10 minutes silent meditation for peace. Bring candles in paper cups, to protect from dripping wax; please bring lighters, not matches, too; 7pm, St Mary's Church, Church Street. Everyone welcome, part of Global Candle Lit Vigils for Peace. For more info contact Nance Hammond tel (03) 684 4608 or email

~ Every Friday - prayers for peace, 12 noon at the stone cross outside St Mary's Church, Church St. For more info please contact Nance Hammond tel (03) 684 4608 or email


* Dunedin Emergency Response Vigil Details * all night vigil from 5pm in the Octagon. For more info contact tel 021 234 2336 email

~ SAT, 15 March - Anti-war protest, 12pm, Museum Reserve on Albany Street. For more info contact Katie email

~ MON, 17 March - Peace vigil - please dress in a way that expresses your mourning, anger, fear - whatever you feel about the impending war - and bring a placard stating that feeling. The intention is to be seen in the centre of the City and give others an opportunity to join in; 12 noon in the Octagon, lasts as long as it lasts. For more info contact email

~ Every Tuesday - Students Against War meetings, 5pm at Clubs and Socs. For more info contact Katie email

~ Every Tuesday - Coalition Against War meetings, 5-30pm at Quaker Hall. For more info contact Fiona email


If you would like your event for peace or social justice included in these listings, please send the details (including contact details for at least one of the people organising it) to Please put 'for what's on' in the subject heading of your message.

-- Peace Movement Aotearoa the national networking peace organisation PO Box 9314, Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand Tel +64 4 382 8129, fax 382 8173 email PMA website - Not in Our Name - war on terrorism? war is terrorism

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