"Kiss-in" to protest McDonalds Discrimination
Young Labour holds "kiss-in" to protest McDonalds
Young Labour today expressed their deep disappointment at McDonalds franchise ban on the "Tearaway" youth magazine, imposed after the magazine featured an article on lesbian and gay youth, and on Wednesday will hold a "kiss-in" at the McDonalds Head Office (61 Wellington St Freemans Bay)in Auckland as a form of protest.
"Young People today understand that different sexualities are an important and valid party of New Zealand society," Young Labour President Michael Wood said.
"Young people questioning their sexuality have a right to basic health and support. McDonald's attempt to ban such information from their shops shows how out of touch they are with New Zealand youth," Young Labour Rainbow (Gay and Lesbian) Representative, Tony Milne said.
Young Labour want McDonalds to get the clear message that their decision is unacceptable to young people in New Zealand and we are calling on others to join with us in a same-sex and opposite-sex "kiss-in" at the McDonald's on Head Office in Freemans Bay at 12pm on Wednesday to protest this decision.
"We call on McDonald's to direct all franchises to again distribute openly the magazine, and to make some gesture of reconciliation to the communities which they have damaged," Michael Wood said.
McDonalds Restaurants (New
Zealand) Ltd 61 Wellington St Freemans Bay Auckland 1 New