New Anti-Bases Campaign Submissions Online
New Anti-Bases Campaign Submissions Online
For the past several years the Givernment (both National and Labour) has been steadily pushing through laws that increase the powers of Intelligence agencies and decrease the civil liberties of all New Zealanders. Only very occasionally does one of these Bills get any media scrutiny or public attention.
The Anti-Bases Campaign keeps doggedly exposing them and making submissions against them.
For our latest submissions - on the Telecommunications (Interception Capability) Bill and the Counter-Terrorism Bill - go to the Submissions page at our Website
In the case of the latter Bill, it has interesting implications for nuclear free New Zealand because of the presence of the US Air Force base at Christchurch Airport - an American base exempted from our nuclear free law and whose aircraft operate under exactly the same neither confirm nor deny policy that has seen US nuclear warships barred from NZ since the 1980s.
Whilst there, have a good look around the rest of the ABC site. There's plenty of good reading to be had.