He's Spending our Money Like it's his Own
He's Spending our Money Like it's his Own
Libertarianz spokesman Stephen Berry today codemned the parade down Queen Street being led by Mayor John Banks. "It is bad enough being forced to hand over our money to Government bullies, but seeing that money wasted in such a manner is rubbing salt into the wound", he said.
Celebrating the opening of Britomart is costing overall $100,000 (source: NZ Herald). This cost has included site blessings by Ngati Whatua, a Britomart open day on 26 July and the parade taking place today. Berry also said "I have been contacted by Banks who claims the parade is costing only $1100 to hold. His casual manner to such a figure doesn't show only his casual attitude to the spending of other people's money, but the fact that he will use figures to suit any purpose he wishes. The security to protect him alone will exceed that bill."
John Banks has previously railed against Britomart as being the "temple at the bottom of Queen Street", though now that he is mayor, he is taking the credit for the move. As those on the lowest incomes face Auckland City Council rates increase of 21% (source: Central Leader), Banks chooses to waste even more money celebrating the opening of something he has supposedly opposed.
The Libertarianz spokesman finished by saying "At the least elections, Banks pledged to spend ratepayer money like it was his own. He hasn't shirked from that promise even though the people being belted with City Council rates rises wish he had."
Stephen Berry
Libertarianz Spokesman
Ph 6292750 or 0210375720