Ding Zhou denied home detention
Ding Zhou denied home detention
The Parole Board has declined Ding Zhou's request to serve the rest of his sentence on home detention.
Mr Zhou is currently serving a one year sentence for dangerous driving causing death and injury, and has a statutory release date from prison of 14 November 2003.
The Board believes that the likelihood of Mr Zhou re-offending while on home detention is very low. However, it says home detention would not greatly assist Mr Zhou's rehabilitation and reintegration given the language and cultural barriers and the fact that he will be leaving New Zealand as soon as the sentence ends.
The Board says the rights of the victims are of prime importance, and their written submissions were moving and pertinent.
In reaching its decision, the Board says the
seriousness of the offence, the views of the victims, and
the existence of the removal order on Mr Zhou all weighted
heavily against his home detention application.