Women's Affairs is a Farce
Women's Affairs is a Farce
The silence of the Ministry of Women's Affairs (MWA) over the rape of a Palmerston North woman this week shows that government's politically correct policies have failed. The Ministry is a waste of taxpayers' money and should be disestablished immediately, says Caroline Aurora, Libertarianz spokesman for the Deregulation of Women's Affairs.
Aurora is referring to the rape of an intellectually handicapped woman by a sex offender recently released from jail and placed in the 24-hour care of a security guard, who waited outside with some lame excuse.
"MWA was designed" continues Aurora "as a vehicle for policy analysis and advice to government organisations, and a way of changing New Zealanders' negative attitudes to women and children. It has failed on both counts. MWA should have been more active in advising government of its responsibility to the victims of crime. It failed this woman, whose attacker should have been kept in jail - on the advice of Women's Affairs - due to his history of sexual offending.
And this is not the only event of concern. Large numbers of women and children are being raped and murdered on a regular basis in this country, while bloodsuckers like MWA have spent our money on trendy policy initiatives that do worse than nothing. Once again, the New Zealand government's politically correct social engineers have failed the very people whose interests they claim to be fostering through MWA. Accountability is at an all-time low".
concludes "this situation cannot, and must not, be allowed
to continue."