Looking Forward, not Backwards
Looking Forward, not Backwards
"While Don Brash reminisces about a white-washed 1950s version of New Zealand, Young Labour as the voice of young New Zealanders in the Labour Party prefers to look to the future", says Michael Wood, President of Young Labour.
"Young Labour has just launched a series of policy platforms that state in broad terms, the direction that Young Labour activists want to see our country head in. Our Education platform is viewable at www.younglabour.org.nz and includes a commitment to principles such as:
- maintaining a strong public education system
- universal access to education, not access solely on ability to pay
- an education system that is not just a "jobs machine"
- ongoing reform of the student loans and allowance system to make them fairer
- a commitment to young people who seek to further their skills outside of universities and polytechs.
We're pleased to be part of a Party that has delivered increased funding and access in the education system and look forward to contributing to policy in this area", continues Peter Wilson, Young Labour Policy Rep.
"Labour has always been the education Party, and Young
Labour will continue to advocate for progressive education
policies. While National focuses on populist issues to win
votes, we want to be part of building a fairer New Zealand.
We invite young people who share that vision to contact us."
concludes Wood.