Voluntary Euthanasia: Existing Law is an Ass
Voluntary Euthanasia: Existing Law is an Ass
"The law is an ass, and the apology of a sentence for Lesley Martin is clear evidence of that," said Peter Osborne, a Libertarianz Spokesman.
"If Lesley Martin murdered her mother against her mother's wishes then the question arises whether only 15 months imprisonment is just. However, if she responded to her mother's desire to put an end to the pain and suffering, Ms Martin must be granted her freedom. Either way everyone concerned with this case must be in no doubt that justice has not been served and that the sentence passed on to Lesley Martin is meaningless."
Mr Osborne continues, "This is a clear example of why voluntary euthanasia must not remain illegal. Thanks to the law, Joy Martin was denied her right to openly ask for assistance to die in a dignified manner. Thanks to the law there was no procedure in place to ensure that Joy Martin did in fact request assisted suicide, and to protect her daughter who helped her. Thanks to the law Lesley Martin has received a sentence that does not reflect her actions either way. Justice has been denied everyone involved in this case, because this basic individual right remains illegal."
"Libertarianz understands that each individual owns their own life and must be granted the right to end that life if they so wish," says Osborne. "We realise that government has no place in denying people this basic freedom. The judiciary only need concern itself with ensuring that force or fraud is not a contributing factor in such a death. Only when voluntary euthanasia is legalised may systems be put in place to ensure that the rights of the individual are upheld and that force or fraud not be involved in any way. Until this basic freedom is recognised, justice to all concerned will never be done."
He concludes: "Our thoughts are with Lesley Martin as she begins her sentence."
Libertarianz: More Freedom - Less Government