Nats lower their colours
Nats lower their colours
"The Minister for a Defenceless New Zealand, has squeaked at what he describes as the National party's 'complete abandonment of responsibility' for the service-men and women of New Zealand," says an astonished Libertarianz Defence Spokesman Robert Palmer. "Burton apparently disregards his own complete abandonment of responsibility for the defence of this country."
"This hapless Minister, who lives in the strange twilight world of Clark's benign strategic environment, has done nothing to show he understands that the primary responsibility of government is the defence of its citizens," says Palmer, who notes Burton's one 'success' is the purchase of two shiny new VIP jets so that Helen Clark won't be left "sitting on her hands on Australian runways."
"Burton should be aware that ANZUS was a contract freely entered into by three parties for the mutual defence of the citizens of the those countries," continues Palmer. "ANZUS formed the backbone of our defence from its inception until Lange's 'cup of tea and a lie-down.' That no realistic defence structure has replaced ANZUS leaves New Zealand with only a national anthem to defend us. God defend New Zealand - because Mark Burton certainly doesn't intend to."
"Far from Mr Power displaying utter disregard for the responsibilities of government as Burton claims, Power instead made clear that if we expect assistance in an hour of need then we must be prepared to offer similar assistance in return," points out Palmer. "We could choose our own level of assistance and our rules of engagement - as indeed Australia have done with their contribution to the coalition of the willing - a position much removed from that the spineless non-defence policy of the braying Burton."
Palmer concludes however that to the Nats' shame they have failed to follow up this excellent start to reviewing their own contradictory defence policy by having Power publicly recant. Have the Nats shown their true colours? Are they, too, waving a white flag?"
It enough to make you vote Libertarainz!