Budget not a 21st Century solution
Website: http://www.democrats.org.nz
Thursday 27 May 2004
Budget not a 21st Century solution to Nations historic problems
The Democratic Party has described the 2004 budget as prime example of rehashing old concepts rather than addressing the causes of the myriad problems created by National and Labour led Governments since the so-called reforms of the 1980s and 90s.
Speaking from her new home city of Christchurch, Democrat Leader Stephnie de Ruyter said Dr Cullen is engaged in a cynical exercise of recycling back over the next few years some of the tax he has recently removed from the economy
“Where are the dollars needed to repair and rebuild the essential infrastructure in health, education, transport and to stabilise the rapidly escalating costs involved in daily living for a growing number of people?” asked Ms de Ruyter. “Behind the favourable façade being presented by the Government economic spin doctor is a framework that is near collapse from years of prevarication and neglect”.
“People need the assurance they can afford a roof over their heads that doesn’t leak when it rains, the knowledge that their kids are getting a relevant education for their future and the comfort that if they get injured or ill the services they need are available in a timely and affordable manner” the Democrat Leader continued. “Engaging in philosophically driven humbug over petty issues and spending taxpayer money on extravagant and largely useless schemes to temporarily boost employment figures is hardly a solid recipe for sustained development of the economic fundamentals of our economy”.
“What is needed is a fresh look at the issues that started when Labour backstabbed the voters in 1984 to take the fat out of the system and continued through the 90s when National decided to remove most of the flesh as well” said Ms de Ruyter.
“Dumping the Student loan scheme, stabilising the rising cost of fuel by reducing the tax on it, stopping the ongoing rise in rates by providing local authorities with interest free funding streams for capital works and taking on board sensible suggestions from the small to medium business sector on where our economy should be heading, would be a good starting point toward a better economic future for the next generation of New Zealanders”