Welfare Forum, Wgtn 9 June
Welfare Forum, Wgtn 9 June
Wellington People's Centre is very excited to be hosting a welfare debate next week. Our promotion is somewhat late so please forward on!
Note that there is an opportunity to submit questions before-hand, feel free to take up the offer!
Poverty: A budget decision?
Ø Where is Welfare Policy going in NZ?
Ø How will the budget effect poverty?
Ø What are alternatives?
Steve Maharey MP Brian Easton (Economist)
Muriel Newman (ACT) Ann Else (Social Policy Theorist)
Sue Bradford (Greens) Paul Blair (Benefit Advocate)
Wednesday 9th June, 7pm. St Johns in the City, Conference Centre
Entry by Koha
Do you have questions for panelists?
E-mail them to
wprc@actrix.co.nz or drop them into the Wellington People's
Centre by the 4th June