MFish launches new online GIS tool
MFish launches new online GIS tool
Mon, 19 Jul 2004
The Ministry of Fisheries has launched a new geospatial data (GIS) management tool, NABIS (National Aquatic Biodiversity Information System), which will enable local and central government, and others to work better and smarter.
The new tool will be online at
NABIS was developed under the
New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy and directly contributes
to the Strategy's stated goal of "becoming smarter
biodiversity managers" by providing improved access to
information for those responsible for the planning and
decisions relating to our marine
biodiversity. * Biological information:
finfish and invertebrate species distributions including:
- Over 200 layers depicting biological distributions for
finfish and invertebrates * Fisheries Management
information: Quota Management Areas, Fisheries Management
Areas, Statistical Areas including: - Over 120 layers
showing fishery related boundaries such as QMAs, FMAs and
statistical areas * Commercial Catch information: An
interactive tool allowing the selection of species, fishing
method and calendar/fishing year to display Catch Effort
data in a map based form, for around 100 species of
commercially caught finfish and
invertebrates * Antarctic information: a set of
information layers showing the boundaries of the areas used
in the management of Antarctica's marine living resources
* Metadata and attribute data: providing definitions and
information about the source, accuracy, coverage and usage
of all mapped information. Particularly relevant
information for Fisheries Managers includes:
* Distributions of commercial species of finfish and
invertebrates * Quota Management, Fisheries Management
and Statistical Areas * Commercial Catch
information Particularly relevant information for local
government includes: * Topographical maps including land,
roads, towns, rivers etc * Maritime zones including
fisheries management boundaries * Biological information
including marine mammal and seabird species breeding
locations "After four years of talking with users,
developing and testing the technology and pulling together
relevant information it is extremely exciting to launch this
management tool onto the Internet" said Jacqui Burgess
Science Manager Biodiversity at MFish. "Over the next
couple of years we hope to add layers including the
locations of marine reserves, areas where different
fisheries regulations apply, localities of marine farms and
the biological distributions of more species of fish,
seabirds and marine plants" added Ms Burgess. " We are
looking forward to working with other agencies to continue
to improve the system and to increase the information
available to support our collective management and planning
needs." MFish Development Manager Jim Coyle said that "It
has been an opportunity for us to get to grips with some
exciting new technologies within a challenging business
environment". The NABIS system was designed and developed
internally at MFish. It has been developed and implemented
in Java, using the JSP and Java Servlet technologies hosted
in an Apache Tomcat server. Mr Coyle added that other
key technologies used were JavaScript in the web pages,
which provides a better interactive experience for the users
and Apache Struts to manage navigation throughout the web
site. The Mapinfo tools used were their MapXtreme Java GIS
engine, to provide the rendering functions, and Spatialware,
to manage and manipulate spatial data. He said the
architecture used will enable the system to be cost
effectively scaled up as and when required. ENDS