Mike Waghorn Address - Whose World, Whose WTO?
You are warmly invited to
Advocating for the public interest at the WTO
Mike Waghorne
Assistant General Secretary
Public Service International
1 - 1.50pm
Tuesday 10 August
Turnbull House, Bowen Street
Mike Waghorne is a New Zealander who has been working in Geneva with PSI on trade issues for the past eight years. PSI, which is a federation of 619 public service trade unions covering 20 million public service workers in 149 countries, has NGO accreditation status at the WTO.
Mike will give an insider's account of what goes on at the WTO from the perspective of the millions who want to ensure that the public interest and the public good are protected and promoted by trade rules and regulations, and not the few who are working to sacrifice them to corporate greed.
From working with other NGOs on the Doha "Development" round negotiations that have just taken place in Geneva he will be able to answer all your questions and share his insights on what has been hailed as a break-through by some and a backward move by others.