Maxim Real Issues No. 127,
Real Issues No. 127, 9 SEPTEMBER
Growing tax take
threatens democracy Collision of religion and politics $6
father question Te Awamutu workshop next Monday 5
principles of Civil Society talk
Growing tax take
threatens democracy Our economy is booming and the
government's treasure chest is bulging. The total tax take
figures released last week show a rise of 40 percent since
Labour took office. Since 1999, the government has collected
an extra $34 billion. The government has more of our money
that it needs. More than reason or justice demands. So why
can we not have tax cuts? The move from 33 cents in the
dollar to 39 cents for those earning over $60,000 was
obviously unnecessary. That rate now affects 10 percent of
all tax payers rather than 5 percent two years ago. There
are a number of very good and just reasons why any
government should not take an excessive amount of tax off
its citizens. First, it gives the state too much power. It
is a temptation to manipulate its citizens' favour with
handouts and to consequently build up an expectation of
dependency. The danger is that rather than being primarily
used to help the poor, excessive funds will be used to
increase the number of dependent votes. Democracy is
threatened as more voters get tied into the status quo and
the government continues to be tempted to support a captive
voting bloc.
Collision of religion and politics Media coverage in New Zealand of the horrible events in Beslam, Russia, has shown little insight into the important context of both history and religion. The identity of the Islamic terrorists appears to have been obscured and the silence on the religious faith of those killed is disarming. In the region of the Russian Caucuses Mountains, which is predominantly Muslim, the area of Ossetia is the only Christian enclave; its 700,000 residents are almost all of the Orthodox faith. It is there that the Islamist terrorists deliberately carried out the slaughter of children, women, and men. What we need is some depth of media investigation on issues such as this where religion and politics collide. Religion and politics are inextricable. The common false assumption is that the secular media is neutral and religion prejudiced. Worldwide, the intersection between religion and politics is going to become more intense, so understanding the two in context is even more vital.
$6 father
question When a sole mother refuses to name the father of
her child, she is penalised by a reduction of $22 a week in
her DPB. A new Social Security Amendment Bill proposes
increasing that penalty by $6 a week from July next year. It
will also widen the definitions of who is exempt, if sole
parents or their children would be at risk of violence.
Both these measures are commendable, but are unlikely to
achieve the Bill’s stated purpose: to encourage more fathers
to contribute to their child’s support. Act Deputy Leader
Muriel Newman says: " creates strong incentives for
mothers to avoid penalties by claiming that either the
father is violent or that he is a deadbeat dad who isn’t
worth naming and wouldn’t pay up anyway." Petitioner for a
parliamentary review of the DPB, Lindsay Mitchell, points
out that the family support component of their benefit will
rise by a minimum of $25 three months earlier. So even with
the new penalty, sole mothers who refuse to name the father
will still be $19 better off than they are now. This will
not reverse the number of sole parent beneficiaries who do
not name the other parent which has increased from 7965 (6.5
percent) in 1993 to 19,467 (14 percent) this year. The law
cannot provide every child with a loving relationship with
their father, but it can make a start by providing as many
children as possible with the knowledge that they have a
father and require greater responsibility. A $6 increase in
the penalty will not achieve this.
Te Awamutu workshop
next Monday Maxim is presenting at Change Agent workshop in
Te Awamutu next Monday 13 September to address the direction
of social policy and culture in New Zealand and what people
can do about it. Issues will include the civil unions,
education, hate speech and political correctness, as well as
providing practical tips on engaging in the processes of
public policy and debate. For details and to register
5 principles of Civil Society talk Do you live in
the Waikato and want to know more about what a Civil Society
looks like? Maxim Institute managing director Greg Fleming
is guest speaker at a Liberal Forum event next Friday 17th
October in Hamilton. The venue is the Hamilton Club,
Grantham Street starting at 7.30pm, cover charge is $5. For
more information contact Joanne Reeder Tel. (07) 856 8334.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK - Thomas Jefferson That Government
is best which governs the least, because its people
discipline themselves.