The campaign continues
Kia ora koutou!
The campaign continues in Australia and Aotearoa with more supermarket demos and stickering. Don’t forget to join others and organise something in your local community for the Trans-Tasman Day of Action against Inghams early next month. (See below.)
In this months update: Crop & Food are shown to have mishandled a GE potato trial, GE Corn from Monsanto is approved by the food standards authority but banned in European countries due to harmful results in animal trials and the Cartagena protocol is ratified.
On the International stage a grassroots peasant Caravan for Food Soverienty is in transit throughout Asia, Monsanto pressures the Brazilian government, GE Scientists find more useless things to tamper with and protesters are attacked by police and soldiers at a demonstration in France.
Get informed, get inspiring and get active!
Yours, Aotearoa GE Action Update Crew