Police corruption and immorality is bound to worse
The revelations of widespread porn use among the police are hardly a surprise. Nor is it news. New Zealanders should be completely cynical when senior police management and Labour government ministers make protestations and express shock and dismay. It was only two years ago when several New Zealand judges were caught with pornography on their government supplied computers.
No doubt they are back sending pornographers and others to jail. The Psalmist poses the question: “If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?” We will see more and more unrighteousness because of government policy to destroy the foundations of civil order and morality. We have long known that leading politicians in this government have acted wickedly and with duplicity. Another painting is signed, another minister charged with drink driving, another mp proudly thumbing his nose at the law by stating that he smokes pot and breaks the very law he has vowed to uphold. The foundations of decency are destroyed in the government, in the judiciary and now in the police department.
These kinds of pornography scandals were bound to happen, because we live in Labour’s brave new world where what was immoral has now become acceptable. What hypocrisy to pursue the police when this same government encourages the spread of pornography of the vilest kind through a homosexual film censor. The government is quite happy for porn to be shown on government-owned television and has done nothing to try and prevent access to porn on the internet. If China can do it, why can’t a little nation like our own?
Police standards were once high. It was only a few short years ago that you could not live with someone out of wedlock if a member of the police; you could not be homosexual or lesbian and if you wanted to marry you had to apply to your superiors who then did a thorough check on your proposed spouse and her family. If she or he came from a criminal family or background, you would be not allowed to marry. Similarly if you were caught living with someone out of marriage you would also be sacked for behaviour unbecoming a police officer.
Today, however, there are few standards left and as the moral climate continues to dive we can expect more of these scandals in government and law enforcement agencies. The only answer is to restore the foundations, and only a biblical ethic will suffice.
Garnet Milne