New Chief Executive for Citizens Advice
New Chief Executive for Citizens Advice
The New Zealand Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux has a new Chief Executive, Kerry Dalton. Ms Dalton was previously the Chief Executive of Age Concern NZ and has had a range of policy and leadership roles in the community and voluntary sector.
“Citizens Advice Bureaux provide free, confidential and impartial information, advice, advocacy and support to individuals and use the experience with clients to advocate for socially just policies and servicees.”
“I am inspired by the values and work of Citizens Advice Bureaux and the vision to ensure that no-one is disadvantaged by a lack of information, or the ability to use that information effectively,” says Ms Dalton. "This vision is expressed through the commitment of 2,600 volunteers working in 84 bureaux to provide information, advice and advocacy.”
“Nationally Citizens Advice Bureaux receive over half a million enquiries a year or nearly 2,300 client contacts each working day. This works out at one client contact every twelve seconds which makes Citizens Advice Bureaux one of the leading sources of free information in NZ,” says Ms Dalton.