Rod Donald – Loss of Social Justice Campaigner
Rod Donald – Loss of Social Justice Campaigner
Rod Donald’s death early today is a loss to the progressive movement and Global Peace and Justice Auckland sends our heartfelt sympathy to his family.
Most recently GPJA worked closely with Rod and the Green Party in the campaign to stop the Black Caps cricket tour to Zimbabwe.
Rod was tirelessly principled in the fight for human rights. He was active in the campaign against the 1981 Springbok tour and followed that through with initiating and supporting campaigns for human rights in many countries – including China, Myanmar and Hong Kong.
When other politicians in pursuit of so called “free-trade” agreements turned a blind eye to human rights abuses Rod was there to expose their shallow, shabby motives.
He was a true internationalist as opposed to the unthinking, unprincipled “globalists” who abound in parliament.
Rod was also strong supporter of social justice here in New Zealand for the most vulnerable New Zealanders.
Rod’s loss will be felt keenly in many areas. Perhaps the greatest loss will be for those around the world whose plight he helped to bring to New Zealanders’ attention.
Haere ra e hoa, Haere, haere haere!