All We Want for Christmas is a Constitution
Sunday 11 December 2005
All We Want for Christmas is a Constitution
At a Republican Christmas Party, The Republic of New Zealand Party Political Leader,. Kerry Bevin, has repeated the party's call for a written Constitution.
" Even Father Christmas knows the best thing for us is a Constitution," he said.
Mr Bevin said, that after reconciling Treaty grievances, a Constitution would make us all equal and protect Human Rights
"The Constitution will replace the Treaty of Waitangi as our new founding document."
Mr Bevin said that under the Constitution, discrimination against males as Air New Zealand has done would be illegal and children's rights to see their fathers would be protected.
Mr Bevin said the Republicans would
institute an elected Presidency under the
After two terms, the President would be
stood down for a new comer.
"This is a necessary check against dictatorship."
He said the Republicans would call Constitutional Conferences around the country to formulate and draft the Constitution.
Legislation would be checked against the Constitution and tested in the Supreme Court, he said
"No Head of State is necessary; the Monarchy and the Governor General are irrelevant."