Encouragment For Innovative Projects
9 AUGUST 2006
Encouragment For Innovative Projects Addressing Participation, Protection And Poverty Of Children …
Save the Children is calling for applications for its Small Grants Fund. The Small Grants Fund is open to individuals and organisations (including children and young persons) working to promote children’s rights in New Zealand. Grants range up to $5 000.00 and are directed towards innovative projects that target the best interests of children by addressing child participation, non-discrimination, poverty and protection from violence and abuse.
Applications close on September 15, 2006.
Established in the year 2000 and allocated twice a year in April and September, the Save the Children Small Grants Fund has supported many local initiatives that include capacity building, the empowerment of children and families to recognise and respond to child abuse, and leadership training for children and young people .
Recent allocations include: YMCA Invercargill which received $1248.75 for their ‘Raise up and represent’ youth leadership skills training; Camellia House in Auckland received $4780.00 for their 'children in refuges after school' programme and Parentline, Waikato was granted $4800.00 for their Te Hiringa Tipua/New Growth project.
"This is a great opportunity for children, young people and organisations working with them to make a positive difference to their communities. For example the ‘Raise up and Represent’ project contributed to practical skills development for youth. The 12 young people selected were asked to investigate the needs of youth in their community and develop a year long plan of workshop opportunities in response to those needs. YMCA staff provide guidance and mentorship to the young people as they develop, promote and implement the plan in the community," John Bowis, Executive Director, Save the Children New Zealand said.
"Camellia House Inc. is the only women's refuge providing services for women with disabilities, including mental illness, and their children who are facing physical, mental or sexual abuse in New Zealand. The Small Grants Fund is supporting Camellia House’s efforts to assist children in refuge to deal with the violence they have witnessed. Camellia House endeavours to establish trust with the children and gives special attention to children displaying negative behaviours. The organisation provides structured activities that encourage team building, prompt children to speak up and express their concerns and help children with emotional difficulties.
"Save the Children New Zealand supports this project in recognition of the situation faced by children with mothers with disabilities who also have suffered domestic violence. The project helps the children to understand that they are not to blame for the anger and violence in their families or the differences and separation of their parents.
"Te Hiringa Tipua/ New Growth run by Parentline in the Waikato region is a new project intended to enhance positive family relationships for the safety and well being of each child and their family members. The project will teach children and caregivers that children have a right to: say “No” to inappropriate or uncomfortable activites; to identify safe and unsafe touching; understand the difference between surprises and secrets and to encourage children to disclose unsafe experiences. The programme also promotes appropriate caregiver reaction to disclosures by children," John Bowis said.
All the projects funded through Save the Children’s Small Grants Fund address various aspects of children’s rights as promoted by the Save the Children and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.