Palmer welcomes legislation implementing reports
Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Palmer
Law Commission
Sir Geoffrey Palmer, President of
the Law Commission, welcomes the introduction of legislation
to Parliament this week that implements previous Law
Commission reports.
“Over the years the Law Commission has done a great deal of rigorous work to update and reform the law and it is pleasing to see Government actioning some of this. And very important for the effective operation of our legal system. Successive Governments have tended to accord this work, which is not headline grabbing, a low legislative priority”, said Sir Geoffrey.
The legislation will update the Arbitration Act 1996, particularly in relation to confidentiality rules in subsequent court proceedings. The Wills Bill drafted in plain language will bring together several statutes and simplify the law, but does not make fundamental changes. The Succession (Homicide) Bill will codify law that prevents a person who kills another unlawfully from benefiting from that death.
“Also, as the Prime Minister stated to Parliament earlier this year, a new Property Law Act will be introduced later this year. That is a very significant reform, as is the legislation introduced today”, Sir Geoffrey said.
Copies of the Law Commission reports
relating to this legislation, are available from the Law
Commission - R 38 Succession law: Homicidal Heirs, R 41
Succession Law: A Succession (Wills) Act, R 83 Improving the
Arbitration Act 1996
Law Commission website: