Level Crossing Accidents More Than Halved
Level Crossing Accidents More Than Halved
The final number of rail level crossings accidents last year was 15, which was 20 fewer than for 2005.
This is the lowest annual figure in 20 years and follows on from a high profile campaign last year supported by former international cricket star Chris Cairns who lost his sister Louise after a truck went through a crossing and hit the train she was a passenger on.
Last year Chris backed the launch by the police and Toll Rail of the Police in Cabs scheme which has police travelling in the cabs of trains and catching motorists first hand if they ignore level crossing warning signs.
Also during the year Ontrack who manage the rail network and Toll New Zealand worked together on a paid media campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of level crossings.
Next month on February 17, Chris Cairns in conjunction with Toll NZ is holding a gala dinner in Auckland to launch the Chris Cairns foundation and raise money for further rail safety initiatives. Richie Benaud is the MC for the night while the guest speaker is Princess Diana’s brother Earl Spencer.