CAFF Are Disappointed With 15 Year Consent
CAFF Are Disappointed With 15 Year Resource Consent
Campaign Against Factory Farming (CAFF) are disappointed with the decision by Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) to allow a new 15 year resource consent for N & EE Reid to continue running an intensive piggery.
CAFF are particularly concerned with the Council decision to discount animal welfare concerns. "The Resource Management Act clearly states that ‘the ethic of stewardship’ is something that all parties should have ‘particular regard for’.
It is clear that keeping animals in such filthy overcrowded conditions that they are literally driven insane is not good stewardship", says CAFF chair and animal scientist Dr. Michael Morris.
"Furthermore, the effects of the factory farm are entirely negative. As well as treating animals in an unacceptable way, the applicants are polluting waterways and rendering large parts of the Wairarapa uninhabitable, simply to produce a product that is a major contributor to the present obesity epidemic", says Morris.
CAFF have noted the stricter conditions placed upon the applicant to ensure discharges are kept to an acceptable level, but are dismayed that the Council did not require a bond. "I attended a pre-hearing where Noel Reid admitted to spraying effluent in contravention of his resource conditions, and the council made no effort to enforce compliance", says Morris. "Given the past history of both Noel Reid and the Council I am very skeptical as to whether the conditions of the new consent will be enforced".