Climate Change - Extension of public meetings
Tuesday 27 February 2007
Extension of public meetings for Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change
The government is holding three extra public meetings on the Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change discussion document.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry spokesman Mike Jebson says the response to date from the forestry and farming sectors indicates the need to hold meetings in Auckland and Wellington as well.
“There is considerable interest in the options on the table, in particular the options for managing deforestation and changes to land use from forestry. Also up for discussion are options to assist land managers to adapt to climate change; reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and increase forest sinks; make the most of business opportunities from climate change; and work together with government and local government to manage climate change and its implications.
“Meetings held so far in Gisborne, Nelson, Hamilton, Hastings, Whangarei, Rotorua and New Plymouth have been extremely well attended. Meetings are also scheduled in Palmerston North, Masterton, Greymouth, Christchurch, Invercargill and Dunedin.
The additional meetings added to the consultation schedule are in Auckland, South Auckland and Wellington. Details are below.
Auckland Monday 12 March, 6.30pm – 9.30pm
Waipuna Hotel, 58 Waipuna Road, Mt Wellington
Auckland Tuesday 13 March, 9.45am – 1.15pm (lunch
Fields Function Centre, Counties Football
Stadium, Pukekohe, Stadium Drive
Wellington Thursday 15
March, 6.00pm-9.00pm
Duxton Hotel, 170 Wakefield