NZ Traditional Family Values in Jeopardy
Friday 23 March 2007
NZ Traditional Family Values in Jeopardy
Mass Gathering Wednesday 2nd May 12.30 pm Parliament Grounds
Bishop Brian Tamaki Senior Minister of Destiny Churches NZ has confirmed his intention to stage a mass gathering at Parliament Grounds in response to Labour's intensified efforts to undermine traditional family values.
"In June last year I notified media that I would not rule out a return to Parliament Grounds if the Anti-Smacking Bill was likely to pass. In light of Labour's intention to pass this bill under urgency, which I understand could be an historical first for a private members bill of this nature, we have no choice but to take our concerns to Parliament Grounds," says Bishop Tamaki.
Tamaki has been granted permission by the Speaker of the House to hold the event at Parliament Grounds on Wednesday 2nd May at 12.30 pm. This date will coincide with the final reading of the Anti-Smacking Bill, should it carry over from next Wednesday's reading.
"In my view, the Anti-Smacking Bill is one of many issues that are stepping stones in Labour's agenda to eradicate wholesome family values and traditional Christian ethics. I am not prepared to stand by and let that happen," Tamaki added.
Planning for the event is currently underway, details of which will be released in due course.