Wanganui, Laws Congratulated for Direct Democracy
"Deciding to ban gang patches in Wanganui is not a profound decision in itself, what is profound is that this decision was made by Wanganui residents in a referendum. This is real democracy at work." says Steve Baron, Founder of Better Democracy NZ.
Mr Baron says, "Binding Referendums should be a basic right for all New Zealanders whether that be at Council or Government level. Those Councils who do not allow this form of direct democracy should be ashamed of themselves. They are just dictators or simply have over inflated egos."
"All New Zealanders must start demanding Binding Referendums from their politicians so they can have a direct say on individual issues like fluoride or prostitution for example, which dramatically affect their futures." says Mr Baron. "I congratulate Wanganui and Mayor Michael Laws for being a leading light in direct democracy. What the rest of us live under is just a sham democracy."
Better Democracy