Planned Strike Actions by SFWU
22 May 2007
Planned Strike Actions by Service and Food Workers' Union (SFWU)
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (HBDHB) has received notices of intended strike action by members of the Service and Food Workers’ Union (SFWU). To date the DHB has received notices covering five 24 hour periods from 12.00am Friday 1 June to 11.55pm Wednesday 6 June 2007.
Spotless Services Ltd, who are contracted to HBDHB for most orderly services and all cleaning services, have received the same strike notices as HBDHB, plus notice of an additional strike action for the period 12.00am to 11.55pm Thursday 31 May.
The strike notices are for complete withdrawal of labour for 55 minutes of every hour over this period. Service and Food Workers’ Union members include food service workers, cleaners, orderlies, security staff, home aid and home care workers employed by District Health Boards and private employers.
Contingency planning is now underway at HBDHB in preparation for the SFWU strike action.
Says Warrick Frater, HBDHB’s chief operating officer “Our number one consideration in preparing for this strike is patient care and our contingency planning is focused on minimising risk to patients, managing demand and utilising all available resources.”