Students say “Heads must roll”
Students say “Heads must roll”
Student group demands
Solid Energy’s accountability for spying.
11.00 am 30
May 2007
Press release: Gecko
Gecko, Victoria University’s Environmental Group is calling for Solid Energy to be held accountable for their actions, after they were exposed for employing a student spy to infiltrate the Save Happy Valley Coalition. We are calling for the immediate resignation of Don Elder, Solid Energy CEO. “It is a disgrace that a state owned company would exploit the fact that students are in desperate need of cash, in order to acquire information about Save Happy Valley. Heads must roll” said Tushara Kodikara, Environmental Officer for VUWSA, Victoria University’s Students’ Association.
Solid Energy is undermining efforts of community groups to raise public awareness and campaign on issues of importance to them, such as climate change. “Climate change is a critical public debate; it is entirely unethical and unacceptable that a State-Owned Enterprise should attempt to stifle this” said Steph Versteeg, an active student member of Gecko.
This action has far-reaching consequences for any civil society groups working on politically sensitive issues. These groups often operate with few resources. “We must be able to trust our members who donate the time and energy that keep us operating” said Kodikara.