The Stamp of Peace
The Stamp of Peace

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The Stamp of
Mayor Bob Harvey, The Peace Foundation's new President, tonight opened a special exhibition of school students' artwork on the topic of Nuclear Free New Zealand. Auckland Cetral MP, Judith Tizard, Associate Minister for Arts and Cultural Heritage, also spoke at the opening.
The artwork was produced as part of the Foundation's School Peace Week in August 2006 and came from schools all over New Zealand.
"Given that two decades have now passed since this historic law came into being, and none of our school students were even born then, we thought it was very important to have them thinking about the reasons the law was passed and what it means to our country now. It's also important that we all understand that the danger posed by nuclear weapons is as great as it ever was" said Peace Foundation Director, Marion Hancock.
Five of the pieces of artwork have been made into special stamps. By the Peace Foundation, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of New Zealand's Nuclear Free law which takes place on Friday 8th June.
The exhibition, at the Te Karanga Gallery in K. Road, runs until 7th June. (Closed on Queen's Birthday)
Booklets of ten 50c stamps are available from
the Peace Foundation - $7 each.
(09) 373 2379
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See... Peace
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