Amnesty has now divorced itself from human rights
Tuesday 21.08.07
Amnesty International has now divorced itself from the work of human rights
Last week Amnesty International’s international council meeting in Mexico City affirmed that Amnesty International has officially changed its stance on abortion from a position of neutrality to now become an actively pro-abortion organisation.
The new Amnesty International policy has divorced them from the work of true human rights, as they will now be actively campaigning for legal access to all forms of abortion, which denies unborn human beings the most fundamental and important of all human rights – the right to life.
Amnesty International has claimed that their new pro-abortion policy is only about abortion in limited circumstances, but their own documentation about the policy makes it very clear that Amnesty is now campaigning for access to all forms of abortion as a right.
The official ratification of this new pro-abortion policy marks a sad day for Amnesty International, an organisation that was started by Catholic layman Peter Benenson approximately 46 years ago.
Family Life International was disappointed to hear of the official affirmation of the new Amnesty International pro-abortion policy, and we are calling on all people of goodwill, who care about true human rights, to cease supporting Amnesty International and instead to give their money to other organisations that do not work to further the grave abuse of human rights that is abortion.