Call for More Resources for Children
Call for More Resources for Children
Child advocacy workers in Women’s Refuge are calling for greater resources to be dedicated to help turn round the tide of child deaths and abuse in this country.
More than 40 Refuge staff from around New Zealand are in Wellington for the next three days for a hui on child advocacy.
In the 12 years since the Domestic Violence Act became law, children have made up nearly half of the more than 200 victims of domestic violence homicides.
Hui spokeswomen Kerri Donoghue-Cox and Moana O’Brien say more than 12-thousand children used Refuge services last year, and they represent only some of the children in New Zealand who desperately need protection, help and hope.
“Just as we are working to turn round the lives of women, we want to turn round the lives of their children to ensure they grow up in an environment that is loving, supportive, nurturing and healthy.”
“Working effectively with both mothers and their children is what is needed to bring about the sort of change that will truly help break the cycle of violence for future generations.”
“Children are experiencing and being exposed to domestic violence on a terrible scale, and the Government and its agencies need to ensure frontline agencies have specialist staff to work with them.”
Mrs Donoghue-Cox and Ms O’Brien say at the moment Refuges have only a limited number of child advocates and this is woefully inadequate.
They say there is very rightly an outcry every time a child’s death or injury makes the headlines, but sadly there are many other cases that do not make the news.
Mrs Donoghue-Cox and Ms O’Brien say the big interest shown in this week’s hui by Refuge workers around the country demonstrates their commitment to the children and families of New Zealand.
But they say that commitment needs to be matched with adequate funding and resources to properly advocate for and protect children.