Plenty Of Scope For Joint Initiatives
Plenty Of Scope For Joint Initiatives
The merger between Alliance Group and PPCS might be off the agenda at the present time but there’s still plenty of scope for joint initiatives, according to MIAG Chairman Mark Crawford.
“We still want the meat companies to pursue any joint initiatives, especially those identified in the PWC Report, that will bring benefits to farmer shareholders.
“If the industry continues with the status quo, then a procurement war will occur for the dwindling supply of stock and that is not good for anybody.
“It is certainly not a vision that would entice farmers to stay in the industry, farmers have choices now and need their directors to show strong leadership and vision.”
The action group is continuing to have vigorous discussions with both boards on a range of issues including transparent, fair and consistent procurement of stock, toll processing and joint venture marketing.
“We believe these issues are crucial to obtaining higher returns for all shareholders and MIAG will continue to update farmers on the progress being made or lack of it.
“Real urgency is required.”