Smokefree Coalition Hails Death Industry Decision
Smokefree Coalition Hails Decision To Stop
Investment In
'Death Industry'
23 October 2007
"Congratulations to the New Zealand Superannuation Fund for its decision to stop investing money in an industry that profits from causing illness and death."
That's the reaction from Smokefree Coalition Director Mark Peck on news that the Guardians of NZ Superannuation are to divest tobacco stocks from the fund.
"There is nothing good about the tobacco industry. It has lied about the harm caused by smoking, lied about the addictiveness of tobacco products, and lied about the harm caused by second-hand smoke. Because of these lies, millions of people have died.
"The decision to divest tobacco investments is long overdue, and there is now no excuse for other Crown entities not to follow suit. It is morally untenable for even one dollar of taxpayers’ money to go a 'death industry'."