Automatic Protection Orders
Automatic Protection Orders.
“The National Party is lining up to be the next social engineering party,” says Republicans family spokesman Jim Bagnall.
The announcement that National plans to give police the power, to issue interim "time-bound" orders cannot go unchallenged, says Bagnall.
What National is saying is that they are going to give our Police the same authority of a Judge to issue an interim injunction. This is an injunction that will automatically stop one party from associating with any children in that relationship.
This sort of draconian approach to domestic violence has been the toolbox of a failed family court, and the National Party will be going one step further in fuelling family breakdown.
While The Republicans do not condone family violence, legislators must take responsibility for the consequences of legislation, not just for passing legislation in parliament.
You will not see Labour challenging this sort of policy says Bagnall;
“It has been the hall mark of their tenure. Labour has never been concerned with the number of false allegations that have been used to obtain protection orders in the family court, or the consequences of those allegations.
This is why we need Republicans in parliament, after the next election, so there will be somebody to put up a responsible challenge to Nationals legislative programme.”