Libz call for RMA Uppercut from new Minister
Libz call for RMA Uppercut from new Environment
"I look forward to new Environment Minister Trevor Mallard defending property rights with the same vigour with which he defends his mistress's honour," says Libertarianz environment deregulation spokesman Peter Cresswell, who has now seen twelve years of environment ministers come and go, and property rights protection savaged by each passing minister.
"Speaking of affairs," says Cresswell, "I'm hoping for a swift and long overdue short-arm uppercut to the Resource Management Act so that New Zealanders can get on with their own affairs without the encumbrance of bureaucratic bullshit and minsterial bullying it empowers."
"Given the crucial importance of property rights in human affairs and to the freedom and prosperity New Zealanders deserve -- and given the role of fourteen years of so called environmental legislation in trampling on New Zealanders' property rights -- I'd recommend Mallard begin his new job by committing violence on the RMA instead of other New Zealanders."
"He should drive a stake right through through the heart of the RMA and the bureaucracies it supports, and free up common law methods of environmental and property rights protection to do their job properly."
"If Mallard himself is doing his job properly," concludes Cresswell, "he should get his head around the affront to human affairs that is the Resource Management Act, and deal to with the same aggression he applies to those issues which affront him. If he does, I'll be happy to shout him a bottle of Heineken myself."