31 October 2007
EDS Welcomes Court of Appeal Mining Decision
The Environmental Defence Society has welcomed the decision of the Court of Appeal released today which deals with the status of mining on the Coromandel Peninsula. The decision confirmed that it is appropriate for the Thames Coromandel District Council to make mining in its coastal zone a prohibited activity under the Council's district plan. The Court referred the matter back to the Environment Court for implementation.
EDS put its weight behind Coromandel Watchdog and assisted in fighting the appeal. 'The decision is a great victory for Coromandel Watchdog. We are delighted that the outstanding values of the Coromandel Peninsula will be protected from mining' said Gary Taylor, EDS's chairman.
'However the decision also has wider ramifications for the rest of New Zealand. It widens the circumstances in which councils can use the prohibited activity status in their plans. This will give councils more power to plan strategically and to prevent applications being lodged for activities which are clearly inappropriate.'