Stop Doing a Chamberlain with Islamo-Fascism!
Published on SOLO - Sense of Life Objectivists
Press Release: Memo to the White House, Downing Street and
the Beehive—Stop Doing a Chamberlain with
By Lindsay
November 30, 2007
The stinking, stupid
superstitious nature of Islam has been reinforced yet again
by the news that a British schoolteacher arrested in Sudan
after allowing pupils to call the class teddy bear
"Mohammed" has been jailed for 15 days, says SOLO Principal
Lindsay Perigo.
Gillian Gibbons has been found guilty of insulting religion and inciting hatred at the end of a court hearing in Khartoum. Islamo-Fascist thugs present for the hearing distinguished themselves by calling for her execution.
British Foreign Secretary David Miliband says the sentence is "disappointing."
"This weasel-worded response is similar to that of New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark and the White House just a few days ago to the sentencing of two Saudis to imprisonment and floggings for the crime of being rape victims, where Ms. Clark even went so far as to say New Zealanders respect the Saudi judicial system. The hell we do!" says Perigo.
"We in the West who do not execute people for religious dissent (let alone inadvertent offence), but rather, revel in the right to it, should be calling these Jihadists what they are: sub-human savages. Time was when the might of an empire would be unleashed on behalf of one citizen treated in the manner of Mrs Gibbons anywhere on the globe. Gordon Brown, who recently instructed public servants they were not to use the words "Islam" and "terrorism" in the same sentence, should abandon his Neville Chamberlain impersonations and aspire instead to Churchillian roars. Ditto President Bush. The times require nothing less, and a great dealmore."
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