Academic called in to auction dispute
Academic called in to auction dispute
Historian Professor Paul Moon, author of the biography of Hone Heke Ngapua, has been invited to support the urgent Waitangi Tribunal claim being lodged today to prevent an item associated with Ngapua being auctioned at Webb's Gallery on Tuesday 4 December.
The item in question is a presentation copy of Ngapua's Bill of Rights, and has an estimated sale value of $15,000 to $20,000.
Professor Moon, who spent several years researching Ngapua's life, said that a number of items associated with the Kotahitanga politician have gone missing in the century since his death, and believes that the provenance and ownership of any such document needs to be firmly established before it is sold.
"I am aware of the claims being made by Ngapua's family," says Professor Moon, "and hope that this particular incident can be resolved soon, and to everyone's satisfaction". Professor Paul Moon PhD, MPhil (Dstnct.), MA (Hons.), FRHistS. Professor of History AUT University Private Bag 92-006 Auckland