Ministry and Salvation Army Combine
Media Release 4 December 2007
Ministry and Salvation Army strengthen emergency welfare
New Zealand's ability to respond to civil defence emergency management (CDEM) events was strengthened today after the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management and The Salvation Army signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) about welfare services.
The Director of the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management, John Hamilton, said that the MOU expands and formalises the Salvation Army's long-standing involvement in response to civil defence emergencies.
Under the MOU The Salvation Army will, where
possible, assist in planning for and recovering from a
significant emergency by providing:
stand alone catering
pastoral welfare support units
welfare needs
assessment units (clothing, furniture)
meet and greet,
trained critical incident stress support teams
other welfare units as skills are identified.
The Salvation Army will be represented on the National Welfare Recovery Co-ordination Group and on each of the 16 regional CDEM Welfare Action Groups.
Salvation Army Territorial Commander, Commissioner Garth McKenzie, said that The Salvation Army appreciates the relationship that has developed with the Ministry over a number of years.
"Salvation Army Emergency Services staff and volunteers around the country stand ready to organise vital help such as catering, welfare support, emergency accommodation, and post-disaster counselling when needed. They also work closely with government departments such as the Ministry, local and regional authorities, and a range of non-government agencies," Commissioner McKenzie said.
"By working together and understanding our roles we are better able to help people during their time of need.
"The Salvation Army has a proud history of providing practical help to emergency workers, victims and their families in time of crisis such as the Far North floods earlier this year."