Kahungunu Violence Free Iwi
Over the past 2 years Kahungunu whanau/hapu/iwi have worked together to develop a 'Kahungunu Violence Free Iwi Strategy'.
Rangatahi are the next generation of parents and one of the key target groups for the Violence Free Iwi Strategy. Therefore for the past 3 months, the Kahungunu Violence Free Iwi Coordinators and local service providers have been running wananga and workshops for Rangatahi to raise the awareness around the issues surrounding whanau violence and conflict resolution.
From these Wananga, Rangatahi have developed key messages that they feel are important to promote out to the wider community. Some of these key messages are:
- Violence can lead to death
- It's not good to abuse ourselves or others
- It's okay to break the cycle
- It's okay to stand up for what's right
- It's okay to talk to someone to vent your frustration rather than hurt someone
- Alcohol is sometimes used to help cope with the problems
- There are all different types of violence, verbal, visual, mental
- Everyone is effected by violence somehow, but that doesn't mean that it's normal or ok
- There are things that trigger violence, but we can stay in control
- Drug and alcohol is not the key
- If we don't stop it now, then it will affect our future generations
- Children need to be taught while they are young
- It's not always good to get into a relationship until you are mature enough to act like a mature person
- Get to know your partner before you get into a serious relationship
- You need to be strong, if you feel things are not going right, you need to do something about it
- Treat your partner, how you want to be treated
- Don't be forced into doing something that you don't want to do
- You should talk to each other and should know each others boundaries
- It takes more than being sorry to change the behaviours and attitudes that leads to violence
- No one deserves to be scared or frightened
- I've learnt that violence is a major issue in today's society and using drugs/alcohol is no excuse to behave in such a bad manner
- I learnt that violence is not the way to deal with anger
- There are people who can help to bring about change
- We as Rangatahi are leaders, we are leaders of tomorrow
- Don't be peer pressured by your mates if they tell you to drink, cause they aint your mates if they do
- Violence is a disease, and create an imbalance in your life
- Violence can make you feel like you have no purpose in life
- Violence is not normal, we need to work together to help our culture be violence free
- Verbal abuse can really be hurtful because it affects your mind
Thirty one Rangatahi representatives from Wairoa through to Wairarapa will showcase their talents during a 45 minute production held at the Hawkes Bay Opera House in Hastings on Thursday the 20th December 2007. The main objective is to engage the community into understanding the key messages of the Kahungunu Violence Free Iwi Strategy.
Whetu is a 30 year old man who is married
to Gina. They have 2 children, Lulu and Isaac. Whetu likes
to spend all his spare time and money at the pub. He
frequently gets into fights. Whetu is not a good father or
husband, he take s his wife for granted and often hits her.
He never spends time with their children. On the night of
Christmas Eve, Whetu is visited by 3 Kaitiaki who will take
him back to the past and show him the present and the
future. Whetu will get an insight into the effects of his
behaviour through the eyes of the people he loves