Has global warming stopped?
Has global warming stopped?
An assertion by the former science editor of the BBC, David Whitehouse in the reputable British journal New Statesman that global warming has stopped, should be taken very seriously by the world's climate science community, according to Bryan Leyland, of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition. Mr Leyland recently led a team of international skeptics to Bali for the UNFCC conference on climate change.
"David Whitehouse is no lightweight in the climate debate, and the New Statesman is not known for sensationalism, so an article in that journal saying that the global temperature of 2007 is statistically the same as 2006 as well as every year since 2001 is the basis for his claim that global warming has stopped has created quite a serious problem for those who believe than manmade greenhouse gases cause global warming. This is not what the climate models predicted. However it is in line with recent research and radiosonde data that fails to shows the heating of the upper atmosphere that identifies warming by greenhouse gases. So we need to know why the models failed to predict that warming would stop and why they predict an upper atmosphere warming that is not happening.
"There are many climate scientists in the world who endorse the observation of Mr Whitehouse that Global warming has, temporarily or permanently, ceased. Temperatures across the world are not increasing as they should according to the fundamental theory behind global warming - the greenhouse effect. Something else is happening and it is vital that we find out what or else we may spend hundreds of billions of pounds needlessly, " said Mr Leyland.
He added that anyone
who still believes that the science is settled, as claimed
by the IPCC and so many politicians and taxpayer funded
bureaucrats, should read Mr Whitehouse's article in full in
the New Statesman. The text is freely available on
the internet at:
"Any doubts about the fact that the whole climate change issue is being mishandled by governments have been reinforced by Professor David Henderson, former head of the Economic Unit of OECD, now a visiting professor at Westminster University, whose recent illuminating address to the American Institute for Economic Research, which can be found on our website: http://www.climatescience.org.nz ," said Mr Leyland.