Freedom Or Tyranny - Time To Choose
For Immediate Release
Freedom of
Freedom or Tyranny - Time to Choose
Having welcomed in the New Year last night, Kiwis woke up in 2008 to find their freedom of speech severely curtailed - even if they don't know it. The curtailment in question comes from the Electoral Finance Bill which came into effect today. "If ever there were a time to openly break a law, it is now. Bugger registering to have your say and bugger staying silent," said Peter Osborne, a Libertarianz spokesman.
"While I am forced to pay for Helen Clark to spin her twisted ideas, I am restricted on what I can spend on ideas I do agree with. The EFB is the brainchild of our crooked, corrupt Labour government," Mr Osborne said. "When the law is used by those in power as a tool of convenience then we, who are subject to such laws, must treat the law with disdain."
Osborne advises, "Do not vote for a Labour government in the next election. This is obvious. And do not vote for National, The Greens, Winston First, United Future, Jim Neanderton's Regressive Party, The Maori Party or Act. They have all shown themselves to be open to corruption if the circumstances suit them."
"Libertarianz will throw this law out. We will also eliminate taxpayer funding of election campaigns. If a political party has good ideas, they will have no problem in finding sponsors to promote those ideas. Under our current system any government could lie and cheat their way into power safe in the knowledge that funding will be forthcoming the next time round," Osborne concludes. "That's not good enough. The Electoral Finance Bill must be defeated."
"It's Enough to Make you Vote Libertarianz!"