Tatt Transcends Tranzit New Zealand’s Pettiness
Wednesday Feb 6, 2008
Te Ata Tino Toa (Tatt) Transcends Tranzit New Zealand’s Pettiness

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Members and supporters of the sovereignty group Te Ata Tino Toa gathered today to fly the largest known Tino Rangatiratanga flag above the Auckland Harbour Bridge.
The action was a visible demonstration to the nation that creative collective responses to unreasonable actions and obstacles are an integral part of Tino Rangatiratanga.

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The qualities of
persistence and determination were also present, as the
convoy of TATT members and supporters - including many
Pakeha and visiting indigenous guests -, flew Tino
Rangatiratanga flags out of their car

Despite a time
miscalculation involving the co-incidence of the airplane
flyover, the boat presence, and the car convoy all meeting
in a vertical line in the middle of the harbour bridge only
slightly slowing the traffic, the largest known Tino
Rangatiratanga flag flew proudly by airplane far above the
two smaller New Zealand flags on the Auckland Harbour
Pakeha supporter Matthew Donaldson who was part of the car convoy commented that he thought “The action demonstrated creativity, determination, and the power of working together, all important skills to develop – as long as oppressive governments and corporations continue to collude in stealing land, destroying the environment, and terrorizing indigenous populations.”
Te Ata Tino Toa Spokesperson Teanau Tuiono commented:
“If they can’t recognize our mana within their established status quo structures, our response is to get creative and work on alternative ways to show how our mana transcends their obstacles”