Broadcasting Regulation Review Public Workshops
Media Release
18 February 2008
Broadcasting Regulation Review Public Workshops announced
The Ministry for Culture and Heritage in conjunction with the Ministry of Economic Development will conduct a series of workshops on the Broadcasting Regulation Review in early March in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
The workshops will promote discussion and facilitate public responses to two consultation documents released on 23 January alongside a review of broadcasting regulation. These are: Digital Broadcasting Review of Regulation Discussion Paper and Broadcasting and New Digital Media: Future of Content Regulation.
The papers review the impact of new digital technologies on the regulation of broadcasting.
The research report, two discussion papers and related cabinet papers are available at Further information on the consultation process is also available and
The review seeks views and suggestions on a number of options. Respondents are being asked to consider in particular:
* whether the
threats to an effective broadcasting and telecommunications
market, and to the creation and distribution of diverse
content, have been correctly identified;
* what
regulatory change, if any, might be justified in response to
perceived threats; and
* what specific actions might be
considered by policy makers.
Feedback on both
discussion papers is sought by 4 April 2008. It will then be
analysed and if any regulatory change is proposed, further
public consultation will be held on detailed options.
Workshops will be held as follows:
Auckland: Wednesday 5 March 2008, 10.00-12.30 pm, Ministry for Economic Development, Guedo Office (Kauri Room), 45 Queen St, Auckland.
Wellington: Thursday 6 March 2008, 9.30-12.00 pm, Ministry for Culture and Heritage, (Wharenui conference room) 1st floor, Radio New Zealand House, 155 The Terrace, Wellington.
Christchurch: Friday 7 March 2008, 1.00-3.30 pm, Copthorne Hotel, (Parkview conference room), 776 Colombo Street, Christchurch.
Māori Stakeholder
Hui (Wellington):
Tuesday 11 March 2008, 10.00 am -1.00pm, Te Puni Kokiri, 143
Lambton Quay, Wellington.
These workshops are closed
to news media for reporting