Another Trojan Horse from Helen
11th April 2008
Another Trojan Horse from Helen.
The Labour Party's forthcoming conference to plan its election policy is likely to result in a raft of feel good policy statements. But, says Hans Laven, spokesman on Social Development for The Republic of New Zealand Party, we will not see Labour's real plans until after the election.
They have shown this to be the case for the last three elections, why would they behave any differently this time?
"From Labour's actions so far and from speeches given by various Labour Ministers, it's clear that we can expect more dishonest taxation, which is the fuel for their social engineering programme," says Mr Laven
We can expect to be thrashed with unintelligible taxes under the guise of global warming action.
We can expect further increases in salaries and perks for government Ministers far beyond the rate of inflation.
We can expect more and more responsible parents to be criminalized for attempting to teach their children to behave acceptably, and for Labour to add to its anti-male family law.
From another Labour Government we can expect the increased feminisation of our education system and of society generally, with no effort to recognize men's affairs. The Ministry of Women's Affairs will continue as it does to pressure other government departments to follow their priorities.
But says Mr Laven, "as this has happened in all of the Clark government's previous campaigns, we are once again left to speculate, what they might smack us with this time."
Mr Laven says The Republic of NZ Party is seeking more honesty and openness in government including binding referenda on social and other laws.